
CDs Hives performed on...

Currently Available CDs (3)

2004 - Tyrannosaurus Hives

Genres: Alternative Rock, International Music, Pop, Rock
2002 - Die All Right / Supply and Demand

Genres: Alternative Rock, Pop, Rock
2002 - Veni Vidi Vicious

Genres: Alternative Rock, International Music, Pop, Rock

Currently Unavailable CDs (31)

2008 - Maximum Hives

Genres: Alternative Rock, International Music, Special Interest, Rock
2008 - Your New Favourite Band

Genres: Alternative Rock, International Music, Rock
2007 - Tick Tick Boom

Genres: Alternative Rock, International Music, Pop, Rock
2007 - Black White Album (Circuit City)

2007 - Tick Tick Boom

2005 - Barely Legal

2005 - Two Timing Touch / Broken Bones

2005 - Little More for a Little You

2004 - Barely Legal (Reis)

2004 - Veni Vidi Vicious

2004 - Barely Legal
2004 - Tyrannosaurus Hives
2004 - Tyrannosaurus Hives
2004 - Barely Legal
2004 - Your New Favorite Band (Bonus DVD)
2004 - Walk Idiot Walk
2002 - Barely Legal
2002 - Barely Legal
2002 - Hate to Say I Told You So 2
2002 - Hate to Say I Told You So 1
2002 - Your Favorite New Band
2002 - Aka I-D-I-O-T
2002 - Your New Favorite Band Best of
2001 - Main Offender
2001 - Barely Legal
2001 - Main Offender
2001 - Hate to Say I Told You So
2001 - AKA I-D-I-O-T
2000 - Hate to Tell I Told You So
2000 - Veni Vidi Vicious
black and white album

CDs Hives helped create...

Currently Unavailable CDs (3)

2008 - Veni Vidi Vicious

Genres: Alternative Rock, International Music, Rock
2004 - Your New Favorite Band

Genre: Alternative Rock
2002 - Your New Favorite BandBest of

Genres: Alternative Rock, International Music, Rock