| Heavy Rotation Heavy Rotation All Star Vol. 5 Genre: Rap & Hip-Hop
Track Listings (37) - Disc #1- Heavy Rotation (Intro)
- Are You a Dime [DJ Clinton Sparks Remix]
- Touch It [Remix]
- Nasty Girl [DJ Clinton Sparks Remix]
- Touch the Sky [DJ Clinton Sparks Remix]
- What I Need [Remix]
- Gimme That [Remix]
- Yo (Excuse Me Miss) [Remix]
- When You're Mad [DJ Spin One Remix]
- Check on It [DJ Spin One Remix]
- Feels So Good [DJ Spin One Remix]
- Be Without You [Remix]
- Mamacita [DJ Sense Remix]
- So Amazing [Lil Jon Remix]
- Hot [DJ Sense Remix]
- Settle Down [DJ Sense Remix]
- Set It Off [DJ Sense Remix]
- Yo (Excuse Me Miss) [DJ Vlad Remix]
- So Sick [DJ Vlad Remix]
- Be Without You [DJ Vlad Remix]
- Unpredictable [DJ Vlad Remix]
- Slow Mind [DJ Vlad Remix]
- Better Start Talking [DJ Arson Remix]
- Still on It [DJ Arson Remix]
- So Sick [DJ Arson Remix]
- Say I [DJ Arson Remix]
- I Love You [DJ Arson Remix]
- Best Friends [Sir-Fa Blend]
- Sign Me Up [DJ Silva Sir-Fa Remix]
- Bad Girl [DJ Silva Sir-Fa Remix]
- I Second That Emotion [DJ Silva Sir-Fa Remix]
- U Got Me [DJ Silva Sir-Fa Remix]
- It Just Ain't Right [DJ Famous Remix]
- The Chosen One [DJ Famous Remix]
- How We Roll [DJ Famous Remix]
- We Deliver [DJ Famous Remix]
- Ain't No Way (You Won't Love Me) [DJ Famous Remix]