Hans Kotter

CDs Hans Kotter helped create...

Currently Unavailable CDs (13)

2009 - A Cheerful Noise Songs and Dances of Medieval Renaissance Times

Genres: Dance & Electronic, International Music, Special Interest, Pop, Classical
2008 - Medieval and Renaissance Minstrels Songs Dances

Genres: Dance & Electronic, Folk, International Music, Special Interest, Classical
2008 - Von edler Art

Genres: Special Interest, Pop, Classical
2005 - Das Gnsebuch German Medieval Chant (The Geese Book)

2005 - Geistlich Music der Wiener Hofkapelle Kaiser Maximilians I

2004 - Geistlich Music der Wiener Hofkapelle Kaiser Maximilians I

2004 - Sacred Music at the Vienna Court Chapel -- Music from the Time of Maximilian I

2003 - Isaac La Spagna

2001 - Tintinnabulum Organ Works by Arvo Part

2000 - Nun Gruss dich Gott Mein Feine Krott South German Composers around 1500

1995 - Tugend und Untugend (Virtue and Vice)
1995 - Philippe Chanel performs on Clavicord Sweelinck Cabezon Gabrieli and others
1994 - la Spagna 15th 16th 17th Centuries