| Gustav Leonhardt Henry Purcell: Anthems & Hymns Genre: Classical
Track Listings (10) - Disc #1- Rejoice in the Lord alway ('Bell Anthem'), anthem for alto, tenor, bass, chorus, strings & organ, Z. 49
- Praise the Lord, O Jerusalem, anthem for 2 sopranos, alto, tenor, bass, chorus, 2 violins, viola & organ, Z. 46
- O praise God in His holiness, anthem for alto, tenor, 2 basses, chorus, 2 violins, viola & organ, Z. 42
- Thou wakeful shepherd ('Morning Hymn'), for soprano & continuo, Z. 198
- Now that the sun hath veiled his light, sacred song for soprano & continuo ('An Evening Hymn'), Z. 193
- My beloved spake, anthem for alto, tenor, 2 basses, chorus, strings & continuo, Z. 28
- Voluntaries (7) for organ (from 'Melothesia' Nos. 62-68): Three Voluntaries for Organ
- Awake, and with attention hear, sacred song, for bass & continuo, Z. 181
- Two Verses for organ
- In Thee, O Lord, do I put my trust, anthem for soloists, chorus, strings & organ, Z. 16
Purcell: Anthems, Hymns; Locke: 3 Voluntaries / Gustav Leonhardt