Gregorian Chant

CDs Gregorian Chant performed on...

Currently Available CDs (6)

1999 - Legends of St Nicholas

Genres: Special Interest, Pop, Classical
1996 - The Best Classical Album in the World Ever

Genres: Dance & Electronic, Soundtracks, Classical
1995 - Chant II

Genres: International Music, Classical
1994 - Gregorian Chants Hymns Introits Communions Graduals Offertories

1993 - Gregorian Christmas Chants Motets

1992 - The Royal Salute Band of the Life Guards

Currently Unavailable CDs (38)

2011 - Advent Christmas Gregorian Chant

Genres: Special Interest, Classical
2010 - In Nativitate Beatae Mariae Virginis

Genre: Classical
2009 - Music Around the Year / Languages of the Chant

Genres: Special Interest, Classical
2007 - Gregorian Chant

2006 - Terra Adriatica Italian Croatian medieval sacred music

2004 - Comfort and Joy Volume One

2004 - Trio Mediaeval Soir Dit-Elle

2003 - Tydings Trew

2003 - Gregorian Chant

2002 - Words of the Angel

2002 - Voices Of Ascension From Chant To Renaissance
2001 - Canto Gregoriano
2000 - Machaut Messe de Nostre Dame /Ensemble Gilles Binchois Vellard
1999 - Schtz Christmas Vespers / McCreesh Gabrieli Consort and Players
1999 - Musica Vaticana - Music from the Vatican Manuscripts /Pomerium Blachly (1505-1534)
1997 - Gregorian Chant
1997 - Requiem Aeternam / Missa Defunctorum
1996 - Chant Gregorien
1996 - Anniversary of the Institut De France
1996 - Ubi Caritas
1996 - Canticum Canticorum
1996 - Messe Des Mortes/Funerailles
1995 - Like the Sun in His Orb
1995 - Gregorian Chant
1995 - Kyriale Et Preres Litaniques Anciennes
1995 - Lumiere De Noel
1995 - Dimanche Des Rameaux
1995 - Messes Du Temps Pascal 2
1995 - Gregorian Chant
1995 - Treasury of Chant
1995 - Chants
1994 - Chant Corse Manuscrits franciscains /Ensemble Organum Peres (17th-18th century)
1993 - Venetian Vespers /Gabrieli Consort Players McCreesh (Monteverdi * Rigatti * Grandi * Cavalli)
1992 - Messe de Sainte Marcel - Chants de l'Eglise de Rome /Ensemble Organum Peres
1992 - Desprez Missa Pange Lingua /Ensemble Clement Janequin Ensemble Organum Peres
1990 - Third Xmas Mass
1989 - Gregorian Chant Death and Resurrection
Gregorian Chant

CDs Gregorian Chant helped create...

Currently Available CDs (12)

2005 - Sacred A Spiritual Journey

Genres: Folk, International Music, Special Interest, Pop, Classical
2003 - Chanticleer A Portrait

Genres: Folk, Special Interest, Pop, Soundtracks, Classical
1999 - Best of Classics for Meditation

Genre: Classical
1997 - Vox de Nube (Voice from the Cloud)

1996 - The World Sings An Empire Brass Christmas

1995 - Noel at the Monestery

1995 - The Soul of Chant

1994 - Gregorian Chant Christmas Chants

1994 - Officium - Jan Gabarek The Hilliard Ensemble

1994 - Gregorian Chants Advent Christmas

1990 - Salve Regina Gregorian Chant
1990 - Brother Sun Sister Moon

Currently Unavailable CDs (507)

2018 - Gregorian Chant Christmas

Genre: Opera & Classical Vocal
2018 - Best of the Monks of Solesmes

Genres: Opera & Classical Vocal, Classical
2018 - The Monks of Solesmes Discovering Gregorian Chant

Genre: Classical
2018 - The Monks of Solesmes Chants for Passiontide

2009 - Music From The Court Of King Janus At Nicosia (1374-1432)

2009 - Jacob Obrecht Missa de Sancto Donatiano (CD+DVD)

2009 - The Gregorian Organ

2009 - Vorlehn uns Freden gnediglich Music from Walsrode Convent (Grant Us Peace Mercifully)

2009 - Loff unde ere Music from Medingen Convent (Praise and Glory)

2009 - We all want to be joyful Music from Ebstorf Convent

2009 - La Magdalene
2009 - Media Vita
2009 - Catholic Communion Classics Vol 9
2009 - Pope John Paul II in Liverpool Metropolitan Cathedral
2009 - Ancient Airs for Brass Organ
2009 - Gregorian Advent
2009 - Musik ber Tisch Hausmusik bei Martin Luther
2009 - God sy gelovet
2009 - Philippe Rogier Missa Domine Dominus noster Matheo Romero Missa bonae voluntatis
2009 - Guillaume de Machaut Messe de Nostre Dame
2008 - Lamentatio Jeremiae prophetae
2008 - A Boston Camerata Christmas
2008 - Delectamentum The Feast of Corpus Christi
2008 - Gregorian Christmas
2008 - Stella del nostro mar
2008 - Monteverdi Vespro della Beata Vergine Selva morale e spirituale (1610)
2008 - Nox Lucis The Night of Light (Medieval Christmas Chants)
2008 - Jubilemus Exultantes
2008 - Desprez Missa Pange lingua
2008 - Machaut Messe de Notre-Dame
2008 - Ceruti VpresSolennelles de Saint-Jean Baptiste
2008 - Gregorian Chant
2008 - Charles Tournemire Organ Music (Hybrid SACD)
2008 - Missa Tournai
2008 - Canti Gregoriani Resonet intonet
2008 - The King's Singers Collection (Box Set)
2008 - Laudate Pueri Dominum Music of Piarists in Baroque Bohemia
2008 - Charpentier Leons de Tnbres
2008 - Crucem Tuam Adoramus
2008 - Poissance d'amours Mystiques moines et mnestrals en Brabant an XIIIe sicle
2008 - Hildegard Von Bingen Canticles of Ecstasy
2008 - Alessandro Grandi Motetti a cinque voci (1614)
2008 - Gaudete in Domino
2008 - Gregorian Chants Originals
2008 - Guillaume Du Fay Missa Se la face ay pale
2008 - Jasnogrska Muzyka Dawna Musica Claromontana Vol 14 Ciemne Jutrznie
2008 - Allelujah This Sweetie Songe
2007 - Music for the Lion-Hearted King
2007 - Christmas in Vermont
2007 - Compassionate and Wise
2007 - Christmas in the Holy Land Ancient Christian Liturgies
2007 - Media Vita Polish Passion Songs
2007 - Arnold de Lantins Missa Verbum Incarnatum
2007 - Matheo Romero Office Pour l'Ordre de la Toison d'Or
2007 - Discover Choral Music
2007 - Pierre de La Rue The Complete Magnificats Three Salve Reginas
2007 - L'esperit de la Contrareforma
2007 - Gregorian Chant - Dominican Liturgy
2007 - Evensong from King's College Chapel
2007 - Monteverdi Vesperae de Confessore
2007 - Giovanni Gualberto Brunetti Stabat Mater
2007 - Lamentazioni per la Settimana Santa
2007 - Margarete Maximilian I
2007 - Orlando di Lasso Marienvesper
2007 - Music for Emperor Charles V
2007 - In Memoria
2007 - Rigatti 1640 Venetian Mass
2007 - Cantus Angelicus - Quebec Monk Choir (Analekta)
2007 - Dvork Jancek Smetana Romantic Pieces (Includes Bonus CD)
2007 - 100 Best Sacred Works
2007 - Easter in Silos
2007 - Ave Donna Santissima Itinerario Musicale Intorno a Maria
2007 - El Siglo de Oro
2007 - Miroir D'ternit
2007 - Music for Compline (Hybrid SACD)
2007 - Jubilation Vol 5 Joy of the World
2007 - terna
2006 - Otfrid von Weienburg Liber Evengeliorum
2006 - The Essential Gregorian Chant
2006 - Vespro della Beata Vergine (Vespers of the Blessed Virgin)
2006 - Christmas Vespers at Westminster Cathedral
2006 - Christmas at St John's
2006 - Messe de Nol XIIe sicle - cole de Notre Dame (Mass for Christmas, 12th Century)
2006 - Medieval Sacred chants to the Virgin Mary
2006 - Solesmes 1930
2006 - Franciscan Road
2006 - Gregorian Chant
2006 - Silos Their Finest Chants
2006 - Vienna 1700 Baroque Music from Austria
2006 - Hildegard von Bingen Vespers from the Abbey
2006 - The Virgin Mary's Journey
2006 - Relaxing Adagios
2006 - Vivaldi Gloria/Magnificat - Andrew Parrott Taverner Choir
2006 - Joan Baptista Comes Missa de Batalla
2006 - Gregorian Requiem Chants of the Requiem Mass
2006 - Gregorian Chorals
2006 - Messe de Tournai
2006 - Les plus beaux Chants Grgoriens
2006 - Loomiselaul - Renaissance works from Johannes Ockeghem and Estonian sacred folk songs
2006 - Passio Sanctarum Filiarum Medieval Chants for Female Saints
2006 - Palestrina Masses Missa Benedicta es
2006 - Gabrieli Missa Brevis
2006 - Lassus Lamentationes Jeremi Prophet Requiem
2006 - Leonardo Da Vinci
2006 - Choral Music from the Portugese Renaissance
2006 - The Tallis Scholars Sing Josquin
2006 - Ockegem Caput
2006 - Vpres et Office avant la Nuit
2006 - Sanctus 1000 Years of Sacred Music (Box Set)
2006 - Credo 1000 Years of Sacred Music (Box Set)
2006 - Pques
2006 - piphanie
2006 - Isaac Missa pro Maximiliano
2006 - Gregorian Chant
2006 - Gregorian Chant
2006 - Les Miracles de Saint Nicholas
2006 - Nun komm der Heiden Heiland
2006 - Pierre de la Rue Incessament
2006 - Sacred and Secular Music from Renaissance Germany
2006 - Music from the Time of the Crusades
2006 - The Chants of Easter - Ad Missam In Die and The Octave of Easter (for Easter Sunday)
2005 - Gombert Credo Media Vita Haec Dies vae vae Babylon Etc
2005 - Mozart Sacred Works (United Kingdom)
2005 - Le Chant des premiers chrtienes
2005 - Grgorien 1000 ans de chant
2005 - Discover Early Music
2005 - From Silence to Light Gregorian Chant
2005 - Vivaldi Vespers of Sorrow
2005 - Nol Carols Chants for Christmas - Anonymous 4 (4 CD Set)
2005 - Saint Benedict-Mass Proper To The Benedictine Order
2005 - Gregorian Chant
2005 - In Paradisum
2005 - XL Choral Works for 40 Voices (Hybrid SACD)
2005 - Ave Maria Gregorian Chants
2005 - The King's Noyse dir David Douglass Royal Delight 17th Century Ballads Dances
2005 - The Chants of Christmas
2005 - Sundays in Ordinary Time
2005 - The Gregorian Calender Advent Christmas Marienfeste
2005 - The Voice of the Psalms
2005 - Leonin Perotin Sacred Music from Notre-Dame Cathedral
2005 - Canto Gregoriano
2005 - Soror mea Sponsa mea Canticum Canticorum nei Conventi
2005 - Vox Naturalis
2005 - Rituel
2005 - Alleluia
2005 - Maiestas Dei
2005 - Pnksd Pentecost in Central Europe
2005 - One Day in Thy Courts Settings of the Psalms (by Poulenc, Howells, Tallis, Rameau, Mendelssohn, Purcell, Berkeley, Palestrina, etc.)
2005 - The Origin of Fire Music and Visions of Hildegard von Bingen (Hybrid SACD)
2005 - The Best Choral Album in the WorldEver
2005 - Shining Like the Sun
2005 - Gregorian Chant for Meditation
2005 - A Scarlatti Messa per il SSmo Natale
2005 - La Messe de Tournai Polyphonic Pieces from the Codex Musical de las Huelgas
2005 - Ave Maria Music in Honor of the Blessed Virgin Mary
2005 - O Magnum Mysterium
2005 - La Messe de Tournai Polyphonic Pieces from the Codex Musical de las Huelgas
2005 - Marcel Dupr Le Chemin de la Croix (Hybrid SACD)
2005 - Tallis Scholars sing Palestrina
2005 - Passion Easter
2005 - Easter Gregorian Chant
2005 - The Origin of Fire Music and Visions of Hildegard von Bingen
2005 - Matheo Romero Office Pour l'Ordre de la Toison d'Or
2005 - Pierre de la Rue Requiem Missa de Beata Virgine
2005 - Thomas Tallis The Complete Works (Box Set)
2005 - Peace Pure Classical Calm
2005 - Compline Service with Anthems Motets
2005 - Serene Spirit Divine Harmonies for Mind and Soul
2005 - Easter Gregorian Chants
2005 - Gregorianische Gesnge An Marienfesten
2005 - Passion Gregorian Chants
2004 - Sacred Songs Vol 2 Gregorian Chants
2004 - Healing Spirits Gregorian
2004 - Puer natus in Bethlehem Alleluia / Elmer Iseler Singers (CBC)
2004 - The Ultimate Classics Divine Sacred Music
2004 - Gregorian Christmas
2004 - Canti Gregoriani Visitatio Sepulchri
2004 - Kunigunde Nova Historia (Gregorian Chants for an Empress)
2004 - Gloria
2004 - A Season of Passion (Box Set)
2004 - Ars Gregoriana Supplementum 10 In Assumptione Beata Mariae Virginis
2004 - Ars Gregoriana Supplementum 12 In Assumptione Beata Mariae Virginis
2004 - Ars Gregoriana Supplementum 11 In Assumptione Beata Mariae Virginis
2004 - Music for Charles V Holy Roman Emperor
2004 - Auf Jakobs Wegen Medieval Pilgrimage to Santiago
2004 - Orff Carmina Burana
2004 - Canto Gregoriano - the tones of music /Ensemble Gilles Binchois Vellard (Gregorian Chant)
2004 - Alfred Deller - Portrait of a Legend
2004 - The Great Festivals of the Church Year
2004 - War and Faith
2004 - Gesualdo Tenebrae Responsories for Maundy Thursday
2004 - Christ's Passion and Resurrection
2004 - The Story of Job in Gregorian Chant Polyphony
2004 - Heinrich Isaac Missa Paschalis
2004 - The Medici Wedding
2004 - Ave Maria / The Soul of Chant
2004 - Fortuna Clestia
2004 - Sabbaye de Solemes Sanctoral 1
2004 - Hic est Chorus - Liturgical Music from the Cathedrals of the Kingdom of Galicia from medieval codices to the classical romantic period
2004 - Marc'Antonio Ingegneri Feria Quinta in Cna Domini ad Matutinum
2004 - Funeral Music
2004 - Juan de Anchieta Missa Sine Nomine Salve Regina
2004 - Regina Pretiosa Una Celebrazione Mariana del Trecento Fiorentino
2003 - Monastic Chant 12th 13th C European Sacred Music
2003 - Vivaldi Vpres Pour La Nativit de la Vierge
2003 - Thomas Stoltzer Missa Kyrie Summum Marian Motets
2003 - Remembrance
2003 - Old World Christmas
2003 - The Silver Swan
2003 - Bel Canto - Magnificat
2003 - Gregorian Melodies Popular Chants Vol 2
2003 - Best of Christmas Tradition
2003 - When Wind Comes to Sparse Bamboo
2003 - Gregorian Melodies Popular Chant 1
2003 - Gregorian Chant
2003 - Boni Pueri
2003 - Campus Stellae
2003 - Josquin Missa Pange Lingua Motets
2003 - Guillaume de Machaut Je Guillaumes dessu nommez (Box Set)
2003 - The Offertory Gregorian Chant and Palestrina
2003 - From Monteverdi to Vivaldi (Box Set)
2003 - 1000 Years of Sacred Music (Box Set)
2003 - Morales Mass for the Feast of St Isidore of Seville
2003 - Gregorian Chant
2003 - Morales Office des Tnbres
2003 - Holy Voices Gregorian Chant
2003 - Arnold de Lantins Missa Verbum Incarnatum
2002 - Pilgrim Path of Silence
2002 - Eya Pueri Medieval Christmas Songs
2002 - Ars Gregoriana Appendix B Missa pro sponsis
2002 - Guillaume de Machaut La Messe de Nostre Dame
2002 - Monteverdi Musica Sacra Le Passioni dell'Anima
2002 - Vpres Vnitiennes Cavalli Monteverdi Vespro Della Beata Vergine
2002 - Cathedral Dreams Choral Classics for Your Soul
2002 - Ars Gregoriana 18 Litania / Passio
2002 - Lost in Meditation (Box Set)
2002 - Palestrina Missa Viri Galilaei
2002 - Szymanowski Poulenc Stabat Mater
2002 - Music for the Duke of Lerma
2002 - Ars Gregoriana 17 Historia
2002 - Sumer is icumen in Medieval English Songs
2002 - Classical Evolution Famous Gregorian Chants
2002 - Palestrina Music for Holy Saturday
2002 - Ave Maria
2002 - Coronation of the First Elizabeth
2002 - Palestrina Missa Nigra sum
2002 - Monastery Voices
2002 - Heinrich Wilhelm Ernst Music For Solo Violin And For Violin And Piano
2002 - Sound of a Cathedral Gregorian Chant and Saxophone Improvisations
2001 - Ravenna the City of Mosaics
2001 - Alleluia Chants
2001 - Cristbal de Morales Assumption Mass
2001 - 100 Heavenly Classics
2001 - Alleluia Nativitas Medieval Christmas
2001 - Classical Dreams Music to Inspire
2001 - Christmas
2001 - Christmas Celebration
2001 - Venetian Christmas
2001 - Gregorian Chant Monks Monastery Sao Bento
2001 - Andrea Gabrieli Missa Apostolorum
2001 - Palestrina Le Vergini
2001 - Quem Quaeritis
2001 - Palestrina Masses Missa Assumpta est Maria / Missa Sicut lilium
2001 - Ars Gregoriana 16 Sequence
2001 - Perillo's Magnificat
2001 - Salve Regina
2001 - The Ultimate Sacred Music
2001 - Ars Gregoriana Supplementum 7 Missa Pro Defunctis
2001 - Josquin Desprez Messes de L'homme arm
2001 - In Honour of Our Lady
2001 - Gregorian Chant Requiem (Vol. 3)
2001 - Praise to the Holiest Hymns from Saint Paul's Parish K Street Washington DC
2001 - Johann Michael Haydn Mass Vespers for the Feast of the Holy Innocents
2001 - Catholic Classics vol V Simple Gift of Praise
2001 - Stadtpfeiffer Music of Renaissance Germany
2001 - Chant in Honour of Anglo Saxon Saints
2001 - Panorama Gregorian Chant
2001 - Victoria - Missa Ave Regina for 8 Voices
2001 - Sacred Music
2000 - Under the Dome
2000 - Gregorian Chants (Box Set)
2000 - Pilgrimage of Faith
2000 - Canti Gregoriani Vir Dei Beatus
2000 - Blessed Spirit Music of the Soul's Journey
2000 - Dancing Day
2000 - Catholic Latin Classics
2000 - Canti Gregoriani Nicolaus
2000 - Palestrina Missa de Beata Virgine 1 (1567)
2000 - Chants and Psalms
2000 - Compline and other chant
2000 - Chant Gregorien
2000 - Jean de Castro Polyphony In a European Perspective
2000 - A Hilliard Songbook New Music for Voices
2000 - Hildegard von Bingen O Vis Aeternitatis Vesper in der Abtei St Hildegard
2000 - Gregorian Chants (Box Set)
2000 - Dialogo Pastorale
2000 - Josquin Missa Pange Lingua Motets
2000 - The Old Hall Manuscript - English Music c 1410-1415 /The Hilliard Ensemble Hillier
2000 - Oh Flanders Free Music of the Flemish Renaissance
2000 - Golgotha The Passion of Christ
2000 - The Visitation
2000 - The Exaltation of the Cross
2000 - The Collection
2000 - Easter Collection
2000 - Ecumenical Evening
2000 - The Catholic Collection
2000 - Lent on the Mount of Olives
2000 - The Upper Room
2000 - The Orthodox Collection
2000 - Cantico Della Terra
2000 - Jerusalem Gregorian Chant and Early Polyphony
2000 - Behold and See The Best of Millenium of Music Vol3 (Robert Aubry Davis Presents)
2000 - I Sing of a Maiden A Mosaic of Motets to the Virgin Mary
2000 - Chant Mosaic - Organ Music Inspired By Chant
2000 - Gesualdo Tenebrae Responses for Good Friday
2000 - Gregorian Book of Silos
2000 - Palestrina Music for Good Friday
2000 - The World of Early Music
2000 - The A-La-Mi-Re Manuscripts - Flemish Polyphonic Treasures
2000 - Gregorian Chants
2000 - Mexico Barroco Puebla II
1999 - Heinrich Isaac Virgo Prudentissima
1999 - Heinrich Isaac Motets for Emperor Maximilian I
1999 - Time of the Dawn Medieval Renaissance Music
1999 - Musica Espanola Misa a 5
1999 - World Festival of Sacred Music Europe
1999 - Canti Gregoriani
1999 - Gregorian Chant
1999 - Ambrosian Liturgical Chants
1999 - Officium Sancti Severi
1999 - Chant Cistercien - Monodies of the 12th Century /Ensemble Organum Peres
1999 - Gregorian Chant Sequences
1999 - Music for Men's Voices
1999 - In a Cloister Novices' Gregorian Chants
1999 - Musical Moods (Box Set)
1999 - A Mediaeval Banquet Music from the Age of Chivalry
1999 - The Marriage of England and Spain
1999 - Organi Storici d'Italia
1999 - Sol y Sombra Baroque Music of Latin America
1999 - Gregorian Chant Early Recordings
1999 - Music for Philip of Spain / Dixon Chapelle du Roi
1999 - Gloria In Excelsis Deo Chant Hymns And Sequences (National Public Radio Milestones Of The Millennium)
1998 - 17th Century German Harpsichord Music The Stylus Phantasticus
1998 - Gregorian Missa / Eben Suita Liturgica
1998 - Locus Iste - Vokal Romantiker (Querstand)
1998 - Jerusalem Vision of Peace
1998 - Gregorianische gesnge
1998 - The Promise of Ages A Christmas Collection
1998 - Choral Moods
1998 - Noels Populaires Du Canada Francais
1998 - Gregorian Chants
1998 - The Virgin's Lament (Caoineadhi Na Maighdine)
1998 - Provenzale Vespro
1998 - Hildegard von Bingen Saints
1998 - Inner Voices Soothing Music for the Soul
1998 - Codex Faenza Instrumental Music of the Early 15th Century
1998 - Obrecht Missa Caput Salve Regina
1998 - Passio Domini Gregorian Chant from St Gall 2
1998 - Canti Nel Chiostro
1998 - Ockeghem Missa L'homme arm Ave Maria Alma Redemptoris Mater Josquin Memor esto verbi tui
1998 - Musicalis Scientia
1998 - Liturgical Year - Schola Gregoriana Pragensis
1998 - English Choral Music 1514-1682 (Box Set)
1998 - Stabat Mater / Parrott
1998 - Gregorian Chant for Easter
1997 - Ave Glorioso Mater 14 15 Century
1997 - Best of the Classics
1997 - Christmas Past
1997 - Veni Domine Gregorian Chant for the Church Year Advent
1997 - Masterpiece Collection Chant
1997 - Collegium Musicum - Baroque Works - Hasse Salve Regina Crucifixus / Capricornus Domine Jesu Christe / A Scarlatti Solitudini Amene / Caldara Quell'usignuolo / Platti Sonata II in G Op 3 for Flute / Merula Gaudeamus Omnes / Telemann Sage Mir Doch
1997 - Tune Your Brain Music to Manage Your Mind Body and Mood (An Audio Companion to the Book by Elizabeth Miles)
1997 - Ars Gregoriana 8 Introitus
1997 - Ars Gregoriana 9 - Offertorium
1997 - Ars Gregoriana 5 Antiphon
1997 - Ars Gregoriana 11
1997 - XXXVIII Concorso Polifonico Internazionale Guido d'Arezzo
1997 - XXXIX Concorso Polifonico Internazionale Guido d'Arezzo 1991
1997 - Musica Polofonica 1992
1997 - He Was Placed In The Tomb
1997 - Anno Domini 997
1997 - Anno Domini 997
1997 - Ars Gregoriana Supplementum 9 Mariendonker Offizium 2
1997 - Paschale Mysterium Gregorian Chant for Easter
1997 - Ars Gregoriana 6 Responsorium / Cantus ad processionem
1997 - The Essential Classics Collection
1997 - 1000 Years of Great Music for Great Cathedrals
1997 - Garrick Ohlsson - The Complete Chopin Piano Works Vol 8 Masterpieces Miniatures
1997 - Messe de Notre Dame / Ensemble Organum (Guillaume de Machaut)
1996 - The Medieval Experience
1996 - Catholic Classics Vol 2
1996 - Gregorian Chants A Beautiful Collection of Chants and Liturgies by the Benedictine Monks of Santo Domingo de Silos
1996 - Music for Holy Week at the Chapel of the Dukes of Braganza
1996 - Celestial Christmas Special Collection Seasonal Music
1996 - Stillness And Sweet Harmony
1996 - Gregorian Jubilation
1996 - Early Music Collection
1996 - On Angels' Wings - 27 Gregorian Chants
1996 - Gregorian Chant Mass for the Dedication of a Church - The Monk's Choir of Our Lady of Fontgombault / Ambrosian Chant - Chant for Masses - Cappella Musicale of the Duomo of Milan
1996 - The Best of Naxos 9
1996 - Heinrich Ignaz Franz Biber Marienvesper 1693
1996 - Close Encounters in Early Music Le Temps des Legendes Medieval and Renaissance Music from Byzantium Spain Italy France Flanders Russia
1996 - Eya Mater
1996 - Crusaders in nomine domini
1996 - Easter Chants
1996 - Miserere
1996 - Feasts of Our Lady
1996 - Eastertide Gregorian Chant
1996 - Miracles of Sant'iago Music from the Codex Calistinus
1996 - Ego sum Resurrectio Gregorian Chant for the Dead
1996 - Requiem Mass Office for the Dead
1996 - The Chants of Christmas
1996 - Vespers And Compline
1996 - Sunday Morning Classics Spiritual Awakening
1996 - Best of Gregorian Chants
1996 - Gregorian Requiem
1995 - Gregorian Chant Pentecte Pontigny Music in honour of 3 Archbishops of Canterbury
1995 - Hell brennt ein Licht Taiz Songs Vol 3
1995 - Mass of the Angels
1995 - Advent En Kerst
1995 - Gregorian Vespers
1995 - Martin Luther The Music
1995 - Geistliche Musik
1995 - Les tres riches heures du Moyen Age A Medieval Journey (Box Set)
1995 - Tears of Stone (Music from the Motion Picture)
1995 - Christmas in Royal Anglo-Saxon Winchester - 10th Century Chant from the Winchester Troper
1995 - RCA Victor Basic 100 Vol 71- Gregorian Chant
1995 - Lamenti Barocchi Vol 1
1995 - An Introduction to Early Music
1995 - Gregorian Sampler (incl. VHS video "Gregorian Chant: The Monks and Their Music")
1995 - Gregorian Sampler (incl. VHS video "Gregorian Chant: The Monks and Their Music")
1995 - Christmas Meditation Vol 2
1995 - Bohemian Saints
1995 - Christmas Meditation Vol 3
1995 - The Christ Story-Gregorian Chants
1995 - Ave Maria
1995 - Beyond Plainsong Tropes and Polyphony in the Medieval Church
1995 - Hildegard von Bingen
1995 - The Sistine Chapel Choir in Concert at the Vatican
1995 - A Child Is Born A Chant Christmas
1995 - Gregorian Chant Rediscovered
1995 - Dufay Missa L'homme arm Supremum est mortalibus bonum
1995 - Missa Et Officium De Beata Maria Virgine
1995 - Bless the Lord
1995 - Gregorian High Days
1995 - Gregorian Chant
1995 - Gregorian Chant from St Gall
1995 - Gregorian and Polyphonic Chants from Medieval Hungary Vol 6 Chants of the Blessed Virgin Mary Funeral Chants
1995 - Gregorian Chants from Medieval Hungary Vol 3
1995 - Gregorian Chants from Medieval Hungary Vol 4
1995 - From Evening to Evening with Gregorian Chant
1995 - Gregorian Chants from Medieval Hungary Vol 2
1995 - Gregorian Choral
1995 - Ars Gregoriana 13 Sanctus / Agnus Dei
1995 - Ars Gregoriana 12 Credo
1995 - Ars Gregoriana 10 Kyrie
1995 - The Angelic Choir
1995 - Ikos - Choral Music by Gorecki Tavener Prt - interleaved by Plainchant
1995 - Choruses The Greatest Hits
1995 - A Women's Celebration of Chant Harmony
1994 - Greatest Hits Chant
1994 - From the Ends of the Earth
1994 - Advent Carols from St John's
1994 - Lost in Meditation Meditative Gregorian Chants
1994 - Messe du Dimanche Saint-Wandrille / Choir des Moines L'Abbaye Saint-Wandrille (BMG)
1994 - Lost in Meditation Meditative Gregorian Chants
1994 - Gregorian Chant for the Feast of St Thomas of Canterbury
1994 - Music from Renaissance Coimbra
1994 - Morales L'Homme arm
1994 - Gregorian Chants
1994 - In Passione et Morte Domini Gregorian Chant for Good Friday
1994 - World of Gregorian Chant
1994 - Music of the Middle Ages Vol 2 - Notre Dame Organa De Santa Maria
1994 - Tranquility
1994 - Old Roman Liturgical Chants
1994 - Venite Ad Me
1994 - Medieval Carols
1994 - Discover the Classics
1994 - Salve Feste Dies Gregorian Chant for Seasons of the Year
1994 - Adorate Deum
1994 - Gregorian Chants
1994 - Most Beautiful Gregorian Chants
1993 - The Complete Works Of Scott Joplin
1993 - Palestrina Missa Aeterna Christi Munera
1993 - Victoria Requiem - Officium defunctorum (1605)
1993 - With Joyful Voice Christmas Music of Eight Centuries (Box Set)
1993 - Evensong From Truro Cathedral
1993 - The Cambridge Singers Collection
1993 - Gilles Requiem
1993 - Moreschi - The Last Castrato
1993 - Complete Operatic Acoustics
1992 - American Chamber Music
1992 - Ave Gracia Plena Music In Honor of the Virgin Mary
1992 - A Baroque Christmas
1992 - Sunlit Reverie
1991 - Nol Nol French Christmas Music 1200-1600
1991 - Frederic Chopin Greatest Hits
1991 - The Hilliard Ensemble The Old Hall Manuscript
Chants grgoriens Les plus beaux choeurs populaires
Gregorian Chants Advent
The Marriage of England and Spain
Ars Gregoriana Supplementum 7 Missa Pro Defunctis
Palestrina Masses (Box Set)
Ars Gregoriana Supplementum 4 Missa in Die Pascae
Oriente/Occidente Gregorian Chant Qawwali Music
Credo 1000 Years of Sacred Music (Box Set)
Chant Gregorien Elegies pour les Rois les Princes Ad coenam agni providi