Grant Geissman

CDs Grant Geissman performed on...

Currently Available CDs (1)

1998 - Guitarisma 2 The Charisma Mystique and Pure Expression of the Guitar

Genres: International Music, Jazz, New Age, Pop

Currently Unavailable CDs (21)

2009 - Cool Man Cool

Genres: Jazz, Pop
2006 - Surf Jamz

Genres: Special Interest, Pop, Children's Music
2006 - Say That

Genres: Jazz, Pop
2005 - Grape Jamz

2005 - Strawberry Jamz

2005 - Jungle Jamz

2005 - Razzberry Jamz

2005 - Peach Jamz

2002 - Life Upon the Wicked Stage

2001 - Night Moves (Essence Collection)

2001 - Highway 1 (Essence Collection)
1998 - In With the Out Crowd
1995 - Business As Usual
1993 - Rustic Technology
1992 - Time Will Tell
1991 - Reruns
1991 - Flying Colors
1990 - Take Another Look
Origins Master-peace Montage - Soothing Sounds for Meditative Moments
Rustic Technology

CDs Grant Geissman helped create...

Currently Unavailable CDs (4)

2007 - Reign over Me

Genres: Pop, Soundtracks
1999 - Higher Octave Is Smooth Grooves Vol 1

Genres: Dance & Electronic, International Music, Jazz, New Age, Pop, R&B
1993 - Just in Time

Genres: Jazz, Pop, Broadway & Vocalists
LA Now and Then