| Glenn Jenks Invitation to the Dance Genres: Jazz, Pop, Classical, Latin Music
Track Listings (23) - Disc #1- No Me Toques (Don't Touch Me)
- PST! (The Whisper)
- No Bailes Más [Dance No More]
- No Llores Más (Weep No More)
- Los Tre Golpes (The Three Blows)
- Te Quiero Tanto [I Love You So]
- La Celosa [Jealous Woman]
- Picotazos [The Fighting Cook Attacks]
- Adios a Cuba [Fairwell to Cuba]
- Eponina
- Sweet Harriet [For Harriet Allen]
- Desdemona [For Edward Berlin]
- A Summer Shower
- Tanto Gusto Io Conocerlo [Please to Meet You]
- Almendares [Almendares, Cuba]
- Duchas Frías [Cold Shower]
- La Cortesana [Lady in Waiting]
- Homenaje [Homage- to Manuel Saumel]
- Improvisada (Improvised)
- Amistad [Friendship]
- Invitacion (Invitation)
- Se Fuey No Vuelve Más [Departed, Never to Return]
- Un Recuerdo [Remembrance]