| Gilbert & Sullivan 56 Favorites Genres: Pop, Classical, Broadway & Vocalists
Track Listings (25) - Disc #1- Hark the Hour of Ten is Sounding [From Trial by Jury]
- Judge's Song [From Trial by Jury]
- We Sail the [From H. M. S. Pinafore]
- My Gallant C [From H. M. S. ...]
- When I was a [From H. M. S. Pinafore]
- Never Mind t [From H. M. S. Pinafore]
- He is an Eng [From H. M. S. Pinafore]
- The Pirate King's Song [From the Pirates of Penzance]
- The Oh is There Not One Maiden Breast?...Poor [From the ...]
- The How Beautifully Blue the Sky [From the Pirates of Penzance]
- The I Am The Very Model of a Modern Major Gen [From the Pirates of ...]
- The When the Foeman Bears His Steel [From the Pirates of Penzance]
- The When You Had Left Our Pirate Fold [From the Pirates of Penzance]
- The Ah! Leave me Not to Pine Alone [From the Pirates of Penzance]
- The A Policeman's Lot is Not a Happy One [From the Pirates of Penzance]
- The With Catlike Tread [From the Pirates of Penzance]
- March and Entry of the Peers [From Iolanthe]
- The Law is the True Embodime [From Iolanthe]
- When I Went to the Bar [From Iolanthe]
- When All Night Long [From Iolanthe]
- When Britain Really Ruled th [From Iolanthe]
- Oh Foolish Fay [From "Iolanthe"]
- Nightmare Song [From Iolanthe]
- If You Go In [From Iolanthe]
- Finale. Soon As We May [From Iolanthe]
Track Listings (31) - Disc #2- The If You Want to Know Who We Are... [From ...]
- The Our Great Mikado [From the Mikado]
- The Behold the Lord High Executioner [From the Mikado]
- The I've Got a Little List [From the Mikado]
- The Three Little Maids from School [From the Mikado]
- The Braid the Raven Hair [From the Mikado]
- The The Sun whose Rays [From the Mikado]
- The Here's a How-De-Do [From the Mikado]
- The A More Humane Mikado [From the Mikado]
- The The Flowers that Bloom in the Spr [From the Mikado]
- The Tit Willow [From the Mikado]
- The There is Beauty in the Bellow of [From the Mikado]
- The Is Life a Boo [From the Yeomen of the Guard]
- The Where I Thy B [From the Yeomen of the Guard]
- The Hereupon We'r [From the Yeomen of the Guard]
- The Strange Adven [From the Yeomen of the Guard]
- The A Man Who Wou [From the Yeomen of the Guard]
- The When A Wooer [From the Yeomen of the Guard]
- The For the Merriest Fellows A [From the Gondoliers]
- The We're Called Gondolieri [From the Gondoliers]
- The From the Sunny Spanish Sho [From the Gondoliers]
- The In Enterprise of Martial K [From the Gondoliers]
- The I Stole the Prince [From the Gondoliers]
- The When a Merry Maiden Marrie [From the Gondoliers]
- The A Regular, Royal Queen [From the Gondoliers]
- The Take a Pair of Sparkling E [From the Gondoliers]
- The There Lived a King [From the Gondoliers]
- The In a Contemplative Fashion [From the Gondoliers]
- The Small Titles and Orders [From the Gondoliers]
- The I Am a Courtier Grave and [From the Gondoliers]
- The Finale. Once More Gondolie [From the Gondoliers]