Product DescriptionControversial defunct death pop band Georgia Home Boy sees the first of its quartet of oddball records officially released with Candy Cigarettes. This album will have you hailing Satan, teaching kids to bring guns to school, burning bibles and clubbing baby seals. Georgia Home Boy's debut album Candy Cigarettes was launched in early 1999, attracting a rabid following that turned band members NNMaddox, Todd Zombie, Jimmy Haig and Reverend Ezell Jenkins into living legends. In the three years that followed, the religious right crucified the members, branding NNMaddox a cult leader, Todd Zombie a Satan-worshipping drug abuser, Reverend Jenkins a pedophile and the late Jimmy Haig an acid-dropping hippie with no direction. Listen to Candy Cigarettes for the truth. Experience the agression, bitterness, love, humor and passion. And love live Georgia Home Boy!