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Georg Bohm
CDs Georg Bohm performed on...
Currently Unavailable CDs (1)
2003 -
Bohm Die Claviersuiten /Meyerson
(Keyboard Suites - Hamburg & Luneburg c 1700)
CDs Georg Bohm helped create...
Currently Unavailable CDs (51)
2009 -
North German Organ Music
2009 -
The Last Schnitger Organ
Special Interest, Classical
2008 -
Great European Organs 75 - Michael Harris plays the organ at St Peter's Church Wandersleben Germany
2008 -
Beloved and Beautiful
(Meine Freundin, du bist schön)
2008 -
(Limited Edition)
2008 -
Arp-Schnitger-Orgel Norden Vol 2
(Hybrid SACD)
2008 -
Arjan Versluis speelt oude musiek Vol 2
2008 -
Gustav Leonhardt Jubilee Edition
(Box Set)
2007 -
Bach Aus dem Klavierbchlein fr Anna Magdalena Bach
2007 -
Bach Little Notebook for Anna-Magdalena Bach /Gauvin Beausejour Istomin
(et al)
2007 -
Orgelmusik zur Weihnacht
2007 -
Andreas-Silberman-Orgel Ebersmunster Mario Hospache-Martini spielt Purcell Bhm de Grigny Blow Bach
2007 -
Buxtehude and the North German School
2007 -
Baroque Organ Masters
2007 -
William Porter Organist
2007 -
Les Orgues Historiques
(Historic Organs)
2006 -
Lbeck Clavier Uebung
2006 -
Georg Bohm Werke Fur Lautenwerk
2006 -
Arp-Schnitger-Orgel Norden
2006 -
Hamburg 1734
2005 -
A Tennessee Organ Tour Vol 2
2005 -
George Bhm Mein Freund ist mein Cantatas
2005 -
Priory LP Archive Series Vol 3
2005 -
The Art of Peter Hurford
2005 -
Der Fantastische Styl
2004 -
Lorenzo Ghielmi Preforms the Music of Bach Bhm Marchand Vivaldi
2004 -
Bach The Clock Pieces BWV Anh 133-150
2003 -
Baroque Classical Traditional Arias
2003 -
Modus Phantasticus
2003 -
Beckerath Retrospective
2003 -
Fanfare A Whirlwind Tour of 30 World Famous Organs
2002 -
Krevese Gansen-Orgel
2002 -
Great European Organs No 61 - Roger Judd plays the Organs of St Laurenskerk Rotterdam - works by Gade Sweelinck Hurford Bohm Fricker Wellesz and Schumann
2002 -
Recital at Church of the Ascension
2001 -
Historic Organs of Colorado
2000 -
Bach Attributions
2000 -
Bhm and Bach Works for Organ
2000 -
Orgelkonzert in der Dresdner Frauenkirche
1998 -
17th Century German Harpsichord Music The Stylus Phantasticus
1998 -
Great European Organs No 46 - Graham Barber plays the Christian Muller Organ of the Jacobijnerkerk in Leeuwarden Holland
1998 -
World Classics Germany
1998 -
Great European Organs No 51
1996 -
Old Swedish Organs
1995 -
Colin Walsh plays The Father Willis Organ of Lincoln Cathedral
1994 -
German Organ Music Vol 1
1993 -
Georg Bhm Organist at Luneburg
(German Baroque Organ Masters)
1993 -
German Consort Music 1660-1710
1993 -
Byrd Ave Verum Corpus
(Motets and Anthems)
1993 -
Organ Works
1993 -
Georg Bhm Keyboard Works - Ouverture Suites Capriccio
Bright Clear -Dave Wagner Organist