Geoffrey Burgon

CDs Geoffrey Burgon performed on...

Currently Unavailable CDs (11)

2008 - Brideshead Revisited

Genres: Pop, Soundtracks
2003 - Wolcum Yule Celtic and British Songs and Carols - Anonymous 4 with Andrew Lawrence-King

Genres: Jazz, Special Interest, Classical
2000 - Brideshead Revisited (1982 Mini-series)

Genre: Soundtracks
2000 - Doctor Who Terror of the Zygons/ The Seeds of Doom

2000 - Cider With Rosie - OST

1996 - Brideshead Revisited The Television Scores of Geoffrey Burgon

1995 - Robin Hood (1991 Television Movie)

1994 - The Fall of Lucifer and Other Works

1993 - Television Scores

Brideshead Revisited The Television Scores of Geoffrey Burgon by Geoffrey Burgon


CDs Geoffrey Burgon helped create...

Currently Unavailable CDs (18)

2009 - Stairway To Heaven

Genres: Special Interest, Pop, Classical
2008 - Lesley Garrett Amazing Grace

Genres: International Music, Pop, Classical, Broadway & Vocalists
2007 - Light of the World

Genres: Folk, Classical
2007 - Burgon Choral Music

2006 - All Angels

2005 - The Chronicles of Narnia The Television Music of Geoffrey Burgon

2005 - Nol Carols Chants for Christmas - Anonymous 4 (4 CD Set)

2005 - Songs of the Soul - Saint Louis Chamber Chorus (Guild)

2004 - Wolcum Yule (Hybrid SACD)

2003 - Remembrance

2002 - 100 Greatest TV Themes
1999 - Burgon Merciless Beauty
1998 - Choral Moods
1998 - The King's Collection
1997 - Brideshead Revisited
1994 - Geoffrey Brugon The Fall of Lucifer and Other Works
1994 - Allegri-Miserere
Brideshead Revisited The Television Scores of Geoffrey Burgon