| Gay Happening Presents Gay Happenings Presents: 90's Hits Remixed Genre: Dance & Electronic
Track Listings (20) - Disc #1- Freed from Desire [Radio Edit]
- Forget Me Nots [Screen Cuts]
- People Hold On [Radio Edit]
- Read My Lips
- It's My Life [Foundation House Mix]
- Relight My Fire [Alternative Club Mix]
- Into the Groove [Radio Version]
- If Only I Could [Airplay Edit]
- Sing Hallelujah [Disco DeEjays Radio Edit]
- New York City Boy [Disco DeEjays Radio Mix]
- I Can't Stand It [Radio Version]
- Thriller [BB Law Radio Edit][Edit]
- Promised Milkshake [Skreatch Radio Edit]
- Fired Up [Belmond & Parker Mix]
- Show Me Love
- Gypsy Woman
- Don't You Want Me
- Young Hearts Run Free 2006
- You Never Love the Same Way Twice [D-Winter Radio Version]
- Absolutely Everybody [The Ard Remix]
Track Listings (20) - Disc #2- All Around the World
- Closer Than Close [Nerio's Dubwork Radio Edit]
- Please Don't Go 2002 [Radio Version]
- Finally
- Your Disco Needs You [Disco DeEjays Radio Mix]
- Total Eclipse of the Heart 2006 [Spit & Polish Radio Mix]
- Rhythm Is a Dancer [Vocal Mix]
- What Is Love '07
- I Like to Move It [Radio Version]
- Strong Enough [Radio Mix]
- Ain't Nobody [Single Mix]
- Somebody Else's Guy 2007
- Your Loving Arms [Wayne G. Radio Edit]
- So in Love with You [BRM Radio Edit]
- Who Keeps Changing Your Mind [Nightmix 2K3]
- The Music's Got Me [Radio Edit]
- Killing Me Softly [Hero's Radio Mix]
- God Is a DJ '07 [Radio Version]
- No Limit 2.3 [Master Blaster Radio Edit]
- Saturday Night 2003 [Villa Radio Cut]