| Game Music Symphony: Suite Dragon Quest: Best V.2 Genre: Soundtracks
Track Listings (28) - Disc #1- Overture March
- Chateau Ladutorm
- Dungeons
- Only Lonely Boy
- Pastoral - Catastrophe
- Endless World
- Rondo
- Around The World
- Distant Memories
- Requiem - Small Shrine
- Into The Legend
- In A Town
- Frightening Dungeons - Cursed Towers
- Unknown Castle
- Battle For The Glory
- Magic Carpet - The Ocean
- Melody Of Love
- Satan
- Noble Requiem - Saint
- Heaven
- In The Town - Happy Humming - Inviting Village - Folk Dance - In The Town -
- Pegasus - Saint's Wreath
- Dungeons - Last Dngeon - Dungeons
- Demon Combat
- Saraband
- Fighting Spirit - World Of The Strong
- Sphinx - Mysterious Sanctuary
- Ending