| Stephen McNeff, Clark Rundell, BBC Concert Orchestra Four Tales from Beatrix Potter: Orchestral Suites by Stephen McNeff Genre: Classical
Track Listings (46) - Disc #1- Overture
- Once Upon A Time...
- Yes, I'll Start With A Duck Story
- Mrs. Rebeccah Puddle-Duck Hurried Up
- But I'm Not Used To Flying
- Jemima Landed Clumsily
- Jemima Puddle-Duck Came Every Afternoon
- Before You Begin Sitting On Your Eggs
- Come Into The House...
- Pit Pat Paddle Pat!
- Overture
- Once Upon A Time
- Flopsy, Mopsy And Cotton-Tail
- Let Us Have A Lettuce
- I Loves All The Animals
- Mr. McGregor Jumped Up...
- Peter Gave Himself Up For Lost...
- Presently He Came To A Pond
- 'Listen,' Said Peter...
- The Green Little Berries
- Overture
- My Story Is About Squirrels
- The Squirrels All Lived In A Wood...
- It Was Autumn...
- They Also Took With Them...
- The Squirrels Filled Their Little Sacks...
- But Nutkin, Who Had No Respect...
- On The Third Day...
- 'Oh I've Brought A Present'...
- On The Fourth Day...
- 'I Take No Interest In Riddles'...
- On The Sixth Day...
- But Nutkin Was In His Waistcoat Pocket!
- I'm A Red Squirrel
- Overture: Rollaway Thin
- Once Upon A Time...
- Mrs. Tabitha Went Up And Down...
- We Won't Let You Catch Us Mama!
- Just At That Moment...
- The Two Cats Ran To Look At The Dough Pan
- Tom Kitten Did Not Want...
- Tom Squeezed And Squeezed...
- Anna Maria Rushed Upon Tom Kitten...
- Roly-Poly Pudding I Sing
- 'Samuel! What's That?'
- The Dumpling Had To Be Peeled Off...