
CDs Folklore performed on...

Currently Unavailable CDs (30)

2006 - Duo Flamenco Instrumental

Genres: Dance & Electronic, International Music, Pop
2006 - Folk From Spain

Genres: Folk, International Music, Pop
2006 - Folklore Aus Bail

Genres: Folk, International Music, Pop
2006 - Musik Aus Vietnam

2000 - Kurdish Songs Music

2000 - Bahrain Fidjeri Songs of the Pearl Divers

2000 - Sudan Music of the Blue Nile Province

2000 - Japan Shomyo Buddhist Ritual

1997 - Die Tradition Der Saiteni

1997 - Musikalische Reise Durch

1997 - Musik Aus Khorezm
1996 - Turkey Bektashi Music/Ashik Songs
1996 - Tamure Tonic
1996 - Traditionelle Musik Aus M
1996 - Populaere Aund Zeremoniel
1995 - Art of the Qin Zither
1995 - Folklore Aus Kolumbien
1995 - Folklore Aus Madagaskar
1995 - Morocco Maroc - Arabic Tradition in Morrocan Music
1995 - Folk From the Ukraine
1994 - Folk from Grece
1994 - Mualc'h Ar Meneiou
1994 - Folklore Der Zigeruner
1994 - Folklore Aus Kanada
1994 - Segadance
1993 - Saetas / Cante De La Semana Santa Andaluza
1993 - Anthology Of Al-Ala Vol 3
1993 - Balafons African Drums
1993 - Brasil En Fete
Folklore Aus Java

CDs Folklore helped create...

Currently Unavailable CDs (2)

2002 - THR3

Genre: Alternative Rock
450 Sheep by Zdob Zdub / Zdob i Zdub Hardcore Moldovenesc Easter Europe Nr1 Rock band / Romanian Moldavian Language / Ska punk Rapcore Folk (Shi)

Genres: Alternative Rock, Holiday & Wedding