This one of 5ive's best singles
i_love_ritchie_foreva | Aucks, Nz | 07/01/2000
(5 out of 5 stars)
"'Don't Wanna Let You Go' is such a good single: Rundown:1. Don't Wanna Let You Go The main song of this CD everyone knows it's so cool don't they? 5/52. Battlestar Battlestar is a cool song that's on the UK album if you like this song you should buy this single 5/53. Interactive This is cool, it's the same thing as on the album. You can: look at snippets of the videos to 'If Ya Gettin Down' and 'Keep On Movin'', watch videos of the making on 'Everybody Get Up' and print out a special 5ive message. A awesome addition to the single 5/5You should buy this single, if you liked their last single!"