| Fighting Cocks Music for Lapdancers Genres: Alternative Rock, Pop, Rock, Metal
Track Listings (20) - Disc #1- Hellraiser [Pave Spike Mix]
- We Are the Fighting Cocks (Yes We Are) [Tila Tequila Mix]
- There's Nothing Going on Between Marvin and Tamara [Rhea-Shutup! Mix]
- The Lost Weekenders [Fipae Mix]
- Gangsta [Bimma Full of Turks Mix]
- Tiki Lounge of the Dead [East of Aldgate Mix] - The Fighting Cocks, Assassin
- The Little Gouts' Big Night Out [Snow Seal Mix]
- Commercial Breakdown - The Fighting Cocks,
- Son of a Bitch [Maggie! We're Going! Mix]
- Take off That Veil [Al-Hur Al-Ayn Mix]
- Tea Break - The Fighting Cocks,
- No Candy [Chicken Royale Mix]
- Come Get Some [Turks on a Tram Mix]
- The Roof Is on Fire [Bezarin on the River Wasar Mix]
- The Sunny Side of the Street [Black Eye Kiss Mix]
- Smoke 'Em If Ya Got 'Em [Planet of the Chavs Mix]
- Bond Averts World War 3 [DeAth Raid on Tiffany's Mix]
- Coyote Ugly [Lady Luck Mix]
- Don'tchya Know [Tokyo Marui Hand Kick Mix]
- Hang Up the Moon [Bunty Aur Babli Mix] - The Fighting Cocks, Assassin