| Ferenc Beres Hungarian Songs of 5 Centuries Genres: International Music, Pop
Track Listings (36) - Disc #1- O Wide Blue Sky [O Nagy Kerek Eg] - Ferenc Beres, Balassi
- Forgive Me Lord [Bocsasd Meg Uristen] - Ferenc Beres, Balassi
- You Hungarians - Ferenc Beres, Lantos, Sebestyen T
- Many Kinds of Drunkenness [Sokfele Reszogorsrol] - Ferenc Beres, Lantos, Sebestyen T
- You Are the Lad [Te Vagy a Legeny] - Ferenc Beres, Kuruts
- Csinom Palko - Ferenc Beres, Kuruts
- The Ballad of Pista Basa [Basa Pista Balladaja] - Ferenc Beres, Kuruts
- Ferenc Pfeiffer: Request to Stay [Pfeiffer Ferenc: Tartozkodo Kerelem] - Ferenc Beres, Csokonai
- To the Tihany Echo [A Tihanyi Echohoz] - Ferenc Beres, Csokonai
- Humanity and Love [Az Emberiseg a Szeretet] - Ferenc Beres, Csokonai
- May-Beetle Yellow May-Beetle [Cserebogar Sarga Cserebogar] - Ferenc Beres,
- What's Smouldering on the Plain - Ferenc Beres, Egressy, Beni
- Oh, But It Was a Very Long Time Ago - Ferenc Beres, Bihari, Janos
- Let's Dance - Ferenc Beres, Simonffy, Kalman
- Mother Dear Tie Your Scarf [Edesanyam Kosse Fel a Kendot] - Ferenc Beres, Doczy, Jozsef
- My Hundred Forint Note [Szazforintos Bankomo] - Ferenc Beres, Doczy, Jozsef
- I'm Looking for a Lover [Szeretot Kersek] - Ferenc Beres, Doczy, Jozsef
- My Little Thatched Cottage [Nadfedeles Kis Hazikom] - Ferenc Beres, Doczy, Jozsef
- The Clouds Are Descending [Ereszkedik le a Felho] - Ferenc Beres, Egressy, Beni
- I'll Be a Tree If You Are a Tree's Flower [Fa Leszek Ha Fanak Vagy Vir] - Ferenc Beres, Balazs, Arpad
- You Can't Forbid Flowers From [A Viragnak Megtiltani Nem Lehet] - Ferenc Beres, Egressy, Beni
- I Turned into the Kitchen [Befordultam a Konyhara] - Ferenc Beres, Frank, Ignac Szabad
- Ten Pairs of Kisses One After the Other - Ferenc Beres, Szentirmay, Elemer
- Just a Beautiful Girl [Csak Egy Szep Lany] - Ferenc Beres, Szentirmay, Elemer
- The Branch of Weeping Willow [Szomorufuz Aga] - Ferenc Beres, Boruth, Elemer
- A Bird on the Branch [Madar Az Agon] - Ferenc Beres, Simonffy, Kalman
- I'm Writing My Letter [Irom a Levelem] - Ferenc Beres, Gardonyi, Geza
- The Tempest [Vihar a Levelet] - Ferenc Beres, Endrodi, Sandor
- They Say [Meg Azt Mondjak] - Ferenc Beres, Posa, Lajos
- She Tempts Me Here She Tempts Me There [Ide Csal Oda Csal] - Ferenc Beres, Posa, Lajos
- I'm in Hiding [Bujdokolva Jarok] - Ferenc Beres, Endrodi, Sandor
- I've Neither Money nor Tabacco [Nincsen Penzem Se Dohanyom] - Ferenc Beres, Nagy, Laszlo Thurzo
- Good Wine Goo Health [Jo Bor Jo Egeszseg] - Ferenc Beres,
- Red, Red, Red [Piros Piros Piros] - Ferenc Beres,
- I Drank Red Wine Last Night [Boros Bort Ittam Az Este] - Ferenc Beres,
- Kadarka Wine Is a Good Drink - Ferenc Beres, Keller, Dezso