Fanfarlo has great potential - 3+1/2 stars
Horsegal JPJ | New York, USA | 01/24/2010
(3 out of 5 stars)
"I downloaded Reservoir based on the song samples and these three [so far] 5-star reviews, with high hopes. I listened to it all the way through once, a few days ago. My first overall impression was that Fanfarlo makes some beautiful music, but there is a strong tendency for all the songs to blend together, as they are not significantly distinguishable from each other. I'm listening to it again as I type this, and it's not changing my mind. All the songs are really nice to listen to, but they would be much better dispersed throughout, say, iTunes shuffle. The singer has a really good voice (even if he does sound a bit like David Byrne) but unfortunately he doesn't remotely exploit it: it seems that he sings all the songs entirely within the same five-note range, although clearly those vocal cords are capable of much more. In sum, I think Fanfarlo can and will in future make some beautiful music but they need to learn how to mix it up in style, tempo, range and so forth. Adding vocal harmonies would be nice, but that's my own bias. Anyway, these lovely songs combine to make an unfortunately bland album. I'm not recommending against a purchase, but again I suggest playing it in shuffle. And here without the remotest connection may I recommend anything by the Well Wishers, 4 albums of brilliant power pop and sublime beauty."