Currently Available CDs (1) | Currently Unavailable CDs (38)2008 - Folie A Deux 2008 - Live In Phoenix 2007 - X-Posed 2007 - Infinity on High (Bonus CD) 2007 - Im Like a Lawyer With the Way Im Always Trying to 2007 - Take This to Your Grave (Bonus CD) 2007 - Take Over the Breaks Over 2007 - THNKS Fr TH MMRS 2007 - THNKS Fr TH MMRS 2007 - It Ain't a Scene It's an Arms Race 2007 - Infinity on High - Deluxe Limited Edition 2007 - Infinity on High 2007 - This Ain't a Scene It's An Arms Race 2007 - Piano Tribute 2006 - Tim Burton's The Nightmare Before Christmas 2006 - A Little Less Sixteen Candles A Little More Touch Me 2006 - Little Less Sixteen Candles a Little More Touch Me Pt1 2006 - Sugar We're Goin Down Pt2 2006 - Dance Dance 2005 - From Under the Cork Tree 2005 - Fall Out Boy's Evening Out with Your Girlfriend 2005 - Take This to Your Grave The Directors Cut 2004 - My Heart Will Always Be B-Side to My Tongue 2004 - Take This to Your Grave 2003 - Take This to Your Grave 2003 - Fall Out Boy's Evening Out With Your Girl 2002 - Split MTV U YEAR IN YOUR EAR MUSIC CD SAMPLER 2005