Eva Knardahl

CDs Eva Knardahl helped create...

Currently Unavailable CDs (24)

2008 - Griegs Vakreste

Genres: Pop, Classical
2006 - Grieg The Complete Music for Piano (Box Set)

Genres: Dance & Electronic, Special Interest, Classical
1996 - Grieg Collection

Genres: Dance & Electronic, Classical
1995 - Edvard Fliflet Braein Orchestral Works

1995 - The Contemporary American 'C'

1995 - Nordic Vocal Music

1995 - The Virtuoso Clarinet

1994 - Hans Paisson Laszlo Simon Eva Knardahl

1994 - Grieg Piano Music Vol 7

1994 - The Virtuoso Bassoon

1994 - Rimsky-Korsakov Berwald Beethoven Piano Quintets
1994 - Einojuhani Rautavaara Pelimannit String Quartet No 4 Monologues Serenades of the Unicorn Ludus Verbalis
1994 - Grieg The Complete Piano Music Vol 9
1994 - Grieg Complete Piano Music Vol 4
1994 - Richard Strauss Der Krmerspiegel Op 66 Cello Sonata Op 6
1994 - Grieg The Complete Piano Music Vol 3
1994 - Grieg The Complete Piano Music Vol 5
1994 - Grieg The Complete Piano Music Vol 2
1994 - Hindemith Chamber Music
1994 - Grieg Piano Music Vol 10
1994 - Edvard Grieg The Complete Piano Music Volume VIII
1994 - Grieg The Complete Piano Music Volume VI
1994 - Grieg The Complete Piano Music Vol 1
The Contemporary American 'C'