Currently Unavailable CDs (45)
2006 - Untold Story 2006 - Ballads 2006 - Ballads 2006 - Live in Paris 2005 - Play Morricone 2005 - Special Encounter 2005 - Meridies 2004 - Fellini Jazz 2004 - Doorways 2004 - Transnoche 2004 - Perugia Suite 2004 - Un'alba Dipinta Sui Muri 2004 - Canto Nascosto 2004 - Racconti Mediterra 2004 - Doorways 2003 - Fellini Jazz 2003 - Chant of Time 2001 - Alone Together 2001 - Improvised Forms of Trio (Hybr) 2001 - Infant Eyes 2000 - Deep Down 2000 - Daedalus Wings 2000 - New Lands 1999 - Don't Forget the Poet 1999 - Con Infinite Voci 1998 - Ma L'Amore No 1997 - Seaward 1994 - Isis 1993 - No Man's Land 1993 - First Song 1992 - Chet Baker in Italy Unissued 1975-1988 Jazz Roads Autumn Song Fellini Jazz |