Haunting, eerie atmosfrear...
(5 out of 5 stars)
"In this fourth work of Ennio Morricone for a Dario Argento film, the italian composer provides one of his best works yet. Having in mind that "The Stendhal Syndrome" -Argento's best work since "Tenebrae"- deals with psychotic imaginery and poetic yet horrid illusions, Ennio (who had provided the score for Dario's first three films back in the early 70es) creates atmoshperic music based on repeatative melodies that come across you over and over again. One of his best works to date..."
Dark Endless
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Cold, suspensful and brilliantly conceived, this soundtrack proves that Argento & Morricone go together quite well! His music fits Dario's masterpiece perfectly BUT this does not mean that this cd does not work without the movie's images.This couldn't be further than the truth. In fact, this soundtrack reproduces the exact same feelings: Sorrow, fear, horror, despair, catharsis."
Eerie, Haunting, and Powerful
CD | New Jersey | 08/01/2000
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I never saw "The Stendhal Syndrome," but I picked up the CD while on vacation simply because I wanted to hear something by Ennio Morricone. And I must say, I was impressed by this CD. The single female voice chanting a melodic "la, la, laaa, la" really is effective, and makes this soundtrack all the more sinister.Well, one thing to note is that I listened to this on the plane home from my vacation, in which there was turbulence. I had a terrible headache and was nauseous, and now whenever I listen to this, I am slightly reminded of all of that, which isn't the most pleasant experience. Hopefully, my listening experiences with further Ennio Morricone CDs (I plan to buy a few) will not be as miserable. : )"