| Emad Sayyah Modern Bellydance from Lebanon-Sunset Princess Genre: International Music
Track Listings (12) - Disc #1- Raksat Al Ghazaala (Dance of the Gazelle/Tanz der ...) [Instrumental]
- Ya Leyli (Oh, My Night/Oh, Meine Nacht/Oh, Mi Noche!)
- Rimaal Wa Jimaal (Sand and Camels/Sand und Kamele/Arena) [Instrumental]
- Leh Leh Leh (Why Oh Why/Warum, Warum, Warum/Por Que, Oh, Por Que!)
- Rakkesni Ya Habibi (Let Me Dance, My Darling/La? mich ta [Instrumental]
- Lah (No/Nein/No)
- Jibaal Wa Widyaan (Mountains and Valleys/Berge und T?ler [Instrumental]
- Hilwi Hal Hayaat (Life Is Beautiful/Sch?n ist das Leben/ [Instrumental]
- Yislamlil Amar (May the Beautiful One Be Happy/Moge Es Ihr ...)
- Soukkar Daayeb (Molten Sugar/Geschmolzener Zucker/Azucar [Instrumental]
- Yasmin [Instrumental]
- Ya Salaam [Drum Solo, Instrumental][Instrumental]