| Emad Sayyah The Dance of Shahrazad: Bellydance from Lebanon Genres: International Music, Pop
Track Listings (13) - Disc #1- Dance of Shahrazad [Raksat Shahrazad]
- How Beuatiful You Are, Bellydancer [Ha Hilwi Shi Ktir]
- The Music of the Kings [Ma'zoufat al Moulouk]
- The Dance of the Bellydancer [Raksat Arrakkasa]
- I Am Looking for a Girl to Marry [Am Fattesh'a Arous]
- The Dance of the Riders [Raksat Alkhayyala]
- Get Up and Dance [Oumi Oumi Hizzi]
- For the Girl from Beirut [Lil Beirutiyya]
- The Dance of the Silk Waist [Khasr'i Harir]
- Let's Go Crazy with That Derbacki Player [Instrument [Instrumental]
- Shake, Shake [Hizzi Hizzi Mandilik]
- The Music of the Mirage [Raksat al Habhaab]
- The Music of the Desert Wind [Alhaan al Hawa]