| Emad Sayyah Bellydance From Lebanon: Habibi Hayati Genres: International Music, Pop, Classical
Track Listings (13) - Disc #1- Ma Baddi Illa Hiyye [I Desire No Other Than Her]
- Habibi Hayati [My Darling, My Life] [Instrumental]
- Tirilalli [A Strange Way Of Thinking]
- Raksat Loubnan [The Dance of Lebanon] [Instrumental]
- Min Aboukra L'Ashiye [From Morning Till Evening]
- Ya Moukhtara [Oh Major, I Want To Marry]
- Raksat Ajjamal [The Dance Of The Camel] [Instrumental]
- Ba'Dou'I Khat Ma'Tou [Still No Line]
- Balla Tghanni Ya Mourkos [For God's Sake Mourkos Sing!]
- Raksat Al Bassara [The Dance Of The Soothsayer] [Instrumental]
- Ya Hala Bi Hala [You're Welcome, Hala]
- Hibbina Ya Samra [Love Us, Brown Girl]
- Mohammed Rayeh Masr [Mohammed Goes To Egypt] [Percussion Selection]