Good Listen, Decent Album
Paul Drager | Colorado Springs, CO United States | 02/11/2006
(3 out of 5 stars)
"For the genre of music The Early November play, this is a pretty good album. Don't expect guitar histrionics or extremely complex songwriting, but expect what you will get: melody, breaks, and layers of sound.
The album starts off nice with "Ever So Sweet" which is probably their best song to date. It is catchy and the string addition to the song keeps it from getting too repetitive and boring. I love the seque into "Something That Produces Result." I rather like this song, but I don't think it's something I would listen to outside of the album. The next song is not one of my favorites, but I do enjoy the added recording of people on the street (I'm assuming). Added a nice layer to that song.
Most songs are pretty much the same thing, really. If they are "ballads" then they start off slow and then have some hooks and breakdowns. If they are acoustic, well, then they are acoustic. The faster paced songs have good energy with memorable melody. I can't say that the singing on this album is the greatest, but I like the vocals as they're distinctive enough. If his voice isn't, then his singing style is.
The album begins to bore me a little towards the end, but "Fluxy" keeps the album from getting too bogged down. The albums closer, however, does absolutely nothing for me. Just as with their EP "For All This", the last song seems stretched too long. At least, "Everything's Too Cold..." is a little over six minutes instead of nine.
Anyway, I give this record 3.5 stars as it is enjoyable. It isn't an album I have recommended to many friends, but I do listen to it fairly frequently. Will I listen to it often five years from now? Probably not, but I will still break it out and give it a listen every now and again. I recommend this album if you like the genre, not if you are trying to break into it."
I can understand why some people rate it lower...
J. Klinkhammer | Central MN | 07/14/2006
(5 out of 5 stars)
"This CD attracted me to the Early I assume people that rate it lower had become attached to their previous releases and that's what they are used to.
However I think this is one of the most beautiful sounding albums I've ever heard and it's a perfect CD to listen to through Winter. I can't really pick out a certain track, but every track has something special about it. If you like Beauty, buy it."