| Earl Gaines Nothin But the Blues Genres: Blues, Pop, R&B
Track Listings (10) - Disc #1- 24 Hours a Day - Earl Gaines, Jarrett, Ted
- Let's Call a Truce - Earl Gaines, Moore, Raymond
- Meat and Potatoes Man - Earl Gaines, Moore, Raymond
- Let the Past Be the Past - Earl Gaines, Lawson, Rick
- If I Could Do It All Over - Earl Gaines, Cummings, John
- You Better Know Your Hole from Mine - Earl Gaines, Cummings, John
- Everything Sweet Reminds Me of You - Earl Gaines, Cummings, John
- Good Old Country Boy - Earl Gaines, Moore, Raymond
- Nothing But Party Blues - Earl Gaines, Ward, John [1]
- Cheat on Schedule - Earl Gaines, Cummings, John