My father enjoyed it!
Timothy A. White | Hollywood, California | 06/23/2007
(4 out of 5 stars)
"The reviews are mostly negative here. I just got this for my dad, and he says it's good *and* funny. He's an old-school listener though, so for newbies, the Dusty and Lefty you may have seen in Robert Altman's movie are not the Dusty and Lefty of the real radio show. If you're familiar with the radio show, and the 'Lives of Cowboys' skits, you'll more than likely enjoy this CD release. As a side note I'd highly recommend subscribing to Garrison's weekly monologue, 'The News From Lake Wobegon', if you have I-Tunes. It's a free weekly podcast, taken directly from the Saturday afternoon radio broadcasts. It's updated about mid-week, and well worth your effort if you can't catch the weekly radio show."