Product Description2014 World Championships CD Line up: Blue Devils Bluecoats The Cadets Santa Clara Vanguard Carolina Crown The Cavaliers Phantom Regiment Blue Knights Blue Stars Boston Crusaders Madison Scouts Crossmen Colts Troopers Blue Devils B The Academy Spirit of Atlanta* Vanguard Cadets Oregon Crusaders Pacfic Crest Mandarins Jersey Surf Genesis Spartans 7th Regiment This CD contains performance edits due to music licensing and permissions that are not available for distribution: *Spirit of Atlanta: 00:21 of unlicensed material has been removed. Drum Corps International adheres to copyright law and respects the intellectual property rights of artists whose works are performed by its member organizations. Periodically, edits to performances are necessary due to these video and music licensing considerations. Drum Corps International performs these edits to the best of our ability to maintain the quality and integrity of the performances while still complying with intellectual property rights and copyright law.