Currently Available CDs (2) | Currently Unavailable CDs (45)2005 - Some Cities 2005 - Some Cities 2005 - Some Cities 2005 - Some Cities 2005 - Some Cities (Bonus Dvd) 2005 - Some Cities 2004 - Cedar Room 2003 - Lost Sides 2003 - Lost Sides 2003 - Lost Doves 2003 - Last Broadcast 2002 - Pounding - Australia 2002 - Caught By the River 2002 - Pounding 2002 - Pounding 2002 - Pounding 2002 - The Last Broadcast 2002 - There Goes the Fear 2002 - There Goes the Fear 2002 - The Last Broadcast 2002 - There Goes the Fear/Aussie 2001 - Lost Souls 2000 - Catch the Sun 2000 - Man Who Told Everything Pt2 2000 - Lost Souls 2000 - The Man Who Told Everything 2000 - Lost Souls 2000 - Lost Souls 2000 - Catch The Sun (CD #2) Catch the Sun Pt2 Man Who Told Everything Pt1 The Red Room Volume 4 I Wouldn't Know You From the Rest Pounding The Last Broadcast (w/ limited bonus disc)