Douglas Spotted Eagle

CDs Douglas Spotted Eagle performed on...

Currently Available CDs (3)

2008 - Closer to Far Away

Genres: International Music, New Age, Pop
1996 - Closer to Far Away

Genres: International Music, New Age, Pop
1992 - Legend of the Flute Boy

Genres: International Music, New Age

Currently Unavailable CDs (14)

2007 - Legend of the Flute Boy

Genres: International Music, New Age
2006 - Canyonspeak

Genres: International Music, New Age
2002 - Flute Boy

Genres: International Music, New Age
2001 - Channel Islands (Essence Collection)

2001 - Night Moves (Essence Collection)

2000 - Canyon Speak

1999 - Voices

1998 - Pray

1998 - Tenaya Ode to Yosemite

1994 - Common Ground

1994 - Ultimate Collection
1993 - Human Rites
1993 - Stand at Center
1993 - Sacred Feelings

CDs Douglas Spotted Eagle helped create...

Currently Unavailable CDs (2)

2002 - Yoga Zone Presents Vol Two Ocean of Peace A Higher Octave Collection

Genres: International Music, New Age, Pop
Into The West