Album DescriptionThe CD, "Focusing" is filled with great emotion coming out of Don's own personal struggles and triumphs. It is both reflective and forward looking as it draws deep within the soul where words fall short. It grasps our attention as we look within ourselves and as we look deeper, we become more aware, more focused, and more at one with ourselves.
Imagine for a moment, someone sitting down at a piano, resting their fingers on the keys and then in the next moment, they began to play. Their fingers touch the keys almost as if the heavens are releasing the sounds of another world. Each note played is important and a connection to the note that follows. All of the notes together combine to form a song, a thought, and a dance.
This is how Don's music originates. It is neither rehearsed, nor is it pre-composed. It is not recorded in multiple tracks or sessions. The music is recorded all at once, live and without any touch-up whatsoever.
The music is from another dimension, another world, and another time. Every note that comes out of a recorded piece is but part of Don's innermost thoughts, feelings, and emotions as they relate to certain aspects and events of his life.
"Massage Music" gives ourselves the necessary time just to relax.
"Focusing" gives us the moment in our busy day to stop and focus on the most important parts of our life.
"Each Cloud I Ride" offers us clouds to ride upon when our lives become overcrowded and stressful.
"Mesmerizing" brings us into a trance like state to give ourselves a moment of relaxation and reprieve.
"Ripples In Life" show us the connections between the ripples and the waves that connect one point to the next.
"The Lonely Ride" helps to open our eyes that we are not alone on our ride through life.
"Flying In Place" reminds us of all the many treasures in our lives that carry us through to the next moment.
"Where Fears Don't Roam" reminds us of a place of solace where fears are not found.
"Flowing Waters" takes you on a mini break during your day. Just listen to the sounds.
"Awareness" lets us know that the more we become aware, the more there is yet to see.
"Life's Little Gems" come in many sizes, shapes, and colors. If we don't pay attention, we miss them.
"Opening Up" to all the possibilities around us and all that we are deep within ourselves.
"Finding Myself" through courage, hard work and determination gives us one of the greatest gifts of life.
"Into The Deep" is a place beyond relaxation. It is a place where words, thoughts and time have no home.