Michelle D. from HAMPDEN, ME
Reviewed on 1/7/2021...
This album is amazing. There are two songs, American Pie and Vincent, that radio listens may know. But in my opinion, American Pie isn't even the best song on there! That honor goes to Everybody Loves Me Baby, another upbeat song. Also Winterwood, Empty Chairs, and Crossroads show up on Don Mclean greatest hits compilations. I think that this is one of those albums that is filled with hidden gems. I would suggest a listen to this masterpiece.
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Kevin G. (kkg-ct) from NEW FAIRFIELD, CT
Reviewed on 11/3/2015...
The biggee, American Pie is all its meant to be, a classic reason for FM radio fame and the reason the album still sells. BUT, this album has a number of excellent cuts including 'Vincent', a personal fave and the the haunting 'The Grave". As a lad I had the good fortune to have as a college bud for life a decorated Vietnam Vet who made abundantly clear to never pay this cut in his presence. Perhaps the most visceral anti War song ever, a bit over the top for the critics perhaps , but beware its power to overwhelm. McLean frankly didn't need another album after this one, 3 forever classics for me and a good listen for the rest.
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