Diego Pisador

CDs Diego Pisador helped create...

Currently Unavailable CDs (16)

2009 - Sepharad Songs of the Spanish Jews in the Mediterranean and the Ottoman Empire (IMPORT)

Genres: International Music, Classical
2009 - Libros de Musica para Vihuela

Genres: Dance & Electronic, Special Interest, Classical
2009 - Adio Espaa Romances Villancicos Improvisations from Spain Circa 1500

Genres: Dance & Electronic, Special Interest, Pop, Classical
2008 - Nunca ms vern mis ojos Vocal Music Transcribed for Vihuela

2005 - Musica en el Quijote y otras obras de Miguel de Cervantes

2003 - Taer de gala Msica para vihuela

2003 - Songs of the Spanish Renaissance Vol 1

2002 - Nunca ms vern mis ojos Vocal Music Transcribed for Vihuela

2001 - A Terras Ajenas

2000 - Chacona Renaissance Spain in the Age of Empire

1999 - Asturias The Art of the Guitar
1999 - Songs Of Spain / De Los Angeles et al
1999 - Music For Philip Of Spain And His four Wives / Charivari Agreable
1998 - Cancin del Emperador
1995 - Spanish Renaissance Music from the Old and New World
1993 - Ay de Mi Music for Vihuela and Voice