Kenneth W. (Eyesore) from TAUNTON, MA
Reviewed on 12/4/2007...
Dead Man In Reno sounds like it could be one of those typical Hollywood cinematic turdfests that fails trying to be Pulp Fiction and The Usual Suspects with that M. Night Shyamalan twist (see Smokin' Aces for enlightenment). But alas, Alabama-based Dead Man In Reno's self-titled major label debut is just a typical metalcore album with a bit of that so-called math-metal thrown in just to seemingly disrupt the flow of certain songs that were doing fine without the interruption. Not quite a turdfest, but at this point the metalcore genre is rife with bands so similar to each other that there's really nothing to hold on to with this album, it's a sheer drop to a point that's simply too close to the bottom of the barrel. Of course, good music is good music, even if it's totally unoriginal, and Dead Man In Reno do manage to knock out few great tunes; but, unfortunately, they aren't consistent enough. It took the band a mere ten days to record this album. At times, it sounds as if they may have written it in less.
Musically Dead Man In Reno are very tight, managing to create a very heavy sound and the occasional intriguing riff or passage; but for the most part it's just more of the same, nothing new. The vocalist comes off sounding less natural with his screams and more like he's got a vocal processor plugged directly into his throat; and the occasional death metal vocals are simply ridiculous. As one would assume, none of this adds to the album, but rather takes away from it in ways that will simply baffle the listener. Songs like "She's Tugging on My Heartstrings," "The Devil Made Him Do It" and "Cursed" have some great breakdowns, quiet passages and solos, even some piano, orchestration and clean singing that focuses on melody -- something lacking throughout most of the album -- but it's just not enough to propel this album beyond a middle-of-the-road rating. The band shines on "Cursed." They show potential for greatness on that song, and for brief moments elsewhere. But, sadly, for most of the album they're taking the path of least resistance, a path already tread by countless other bands. Dead Man In Reno float dead in the water. They show enough creativity and talent to stay afloat in a sea of sameness, but they'll need a good dose of creativity and reinvention in the future if they ever intend to make that evolutional transition to more solid ground.