Dawn Upshaw

CDs Dawn Upshaw performed on...

Currently Available CDs (4)

2003 - Chanticleer A Portrait

Genres: Folk, Special Interest, Pop, Soundtracks, Classical
1999 - Dawn Upshaw Sings Vernon Duke

Genres: Pop, Classical, Broadway & Vocalists
1994 - Chants D'Auvergne

Genres: Pop, Classical
1994 - I Wish It So

Currently Unavailable CDs (22)

2005 - Osvaldo Golijov Ayre

Genres: International Music, Classical, Broadway & Vocalists
2005 - The Girl with Orange Lips (Japan)

2003 - Alban Berg Lyric Suite

Genres: Pop, Classical
2001 - Salonen - LA Variations Five Images After Sappho Mania Gambit Giro / Upshaw Karttunen LA Phil London Sinfonietta Salonen

2001 - Kaija Saariaho Prisma Private Gardens

2001 - Kaija Saariaho Chteau de l'me / Graal Thtre / Amers

2000 - String Quartets 1-4

2000 - Hommage a Jane Bathori / Inspiring Muse

1999 - Messiaen Saint Franois d'Assise / van Dam Upshaw Nagano

1999 - Mozart Die Zauberflte / Upshaw Hoch Rolfe Johnson A Schmidt Hauptmann Br Norrington

1998 - Saariaho Private Gardens / Dawn Upshaw
1997 - Massenet - Werther / Hadley von Otter Upshaw Frmeau Caton Thruel Ragon Lyon Opera Nagano
1997 - Songs of the Auvergne 2
1996 - Leonard Bernstein's New York
1996 - Gluck Orphe et Eurydice / Larmore Upshaw Hagley Runnicles (Berlioz version)
1995 - Oh Kay (1994 Studio Recording)
1994 - Dawn Upshaw Sings Wolf Strauss Rachmaninoff Ives and Weill
1993 - Mozart - La finta giardiniera / Gruberova T Moser Heilmann Margiono Bacelli Upshaw Scharinger Harnoncourt
1992 - Massenet Chrubin / von Stade J Anderson Ramey Upshaw P Steinberg
1991 - The Girl with Orange Lips
1991 - Mozart - Lucio Silla / P Schreier Gruberova Bartoli Upshaw Kenny Harnoncourt
Winter Morning Walks

CDs Dawn Upshaw helped create...

Currently Available CDs (6)

1998 - Gloria Music of Praise and Inspiration

Genres: Pop, Classical
1998 - The World So Wide

Genres: Pop, Classical, Broadway & Vocalists
1994 - Aaron Copland Old American Songs

Genres: Pop, Classical
1992 - Henryk Gorecki Symphony 3 Sorrowful Songs

1992 - Mozart Le nozze di Figaro / Furlanetto Upshaw Te Kanwa Hampson von Otter Troyanos Levine

1990 - Knoxville Summer of 1915

Currently Unavailable CDs (30)

2010 - Mozart for Kids

Genres: Special Interest, Classical
2009 - Wolf Strauss Rachmaninoff Ives Weill

Genres: Pop, Classical
2007 - Osvaldo Golijov Oceana

Genres: Pop, Classical
2006 - Sacred Inspirational and Spiritual Music for Choir and Orchestra

2006 - Osvaldo Golijov Ainadamar

2006 - Mozart Le Nozze di Figaro

2005 - Mozart Don Giovanni Die Zauberflte (Prague and Vienna Versions)

2005 - Mozart Le Nozze di Figaro (Highlights)

2004 - Voices of Light

2003 - Kaija Saariaho Prisma Private Gardens

2001 - Jacob Druckman Brangle Counterpoise Viola Concerto
2001 - The Best of Bach
2001 - Christmas with Chanticleer (Featuring Dawn Upshaw)
2001 - John Adams - El Nino / Hunt-Lieberson Upshaw W White Nagano
2001 - Bright Eyed Joy The Songs of Ricky Ian Gordon
2001 - Copland Appalachian Spring Quiet City Music for Theatre 3 Latin American Sketches Billy the Kid etc
2001 - Angels Hide Their Faces Dawn Upshaw Sings Bach and Purcell
2000 - Dance on a Moonbeam A Collection of Songs and Poems
1997 - Forgotten Songs Dawn Upshaw Sings Debussy
1996 - Dawn Upshaw Sings Rodgers Hart
1996 - Stravinsky The Rake's Progress / Upshaw Hadley Ramey Bumbry Nagano
1996 - White Moon Songs To Morpheus
1994 - Arnold Schoenberg 2 String Quartets 1-4 - Arditti String Quartet / Dawn Upshaw
1994 - Night Prayers
1994 - Debussy Nocturnes La Damoiselle lue Le Martyre de Saint Sbastien
1994 - Goethe Lieder
1993 - John Harbison Simple Daylight Words From Paterson
1991 - John Adams Conducts American Elegies
1989 - Vivaldi Gloria Bach Magnificat
Modern Starts Music 1880-1920 (MoMA)