| David Hykes David Hykes: À Écoute des Vents Solaires Genres: New Age, Classical
Track Listings (8) - Disc #1- Hearing Solar Winds, for chorus: Rainbow Voice (Chant de l'Arc en Ciel)
- Hearing Solar Winds, for chorus: Multiplying Voices at the Heart of the Body of sound (Multiplication des voix au coeur du corps son
- Hearing Solar Winds, for chorus: Arc Descents (Descentes: The Fall)
- Hearing Solar Winds, for chorus: Gravity Waves (Ondes Gravitationnelles)
- Hearing Solar Winds, for chorus: Lens by Lens (Focalisation)
- Hearing Solar Winds, for chorus: Telescoping (Octaves Télescopiques)
- Hearing Solar Winds, for chorus: Two Poles; Ascent (Polarisation: ascension)
- Hearing Solar Winds, for chorus: Ascending and Descending (Montées et Descentes)