Dave Brubeck

CDs Dave Brubeck performed on...

Currently Available CDs (5)

2010 - Absolutely Essential 3cd

Genres: Jazz, Pop
2000 - Love Songs

Genres: Jazz, Pop
1997 - Dave Brubeck - Greatest Hits

Genres: Jazz, Pop
1994 - Just You Just Me

1992 - New Wine

Currently Unavailable CDs (242)

2019 - Seven Classic LPs

Genre: Jazz
2017 - Take The A Train

Genre: Jazz
2016 - At the Hollywood Bowl 1958

Genre: Jazz
2016 - Brubeck in Hannover 1958

2015 - The Essential Jazz Classics

2011 - Jazz Goes to Junior College

2011 - Music of America Inventing Jazz

2011 - Ken Burns JAZZ Collection Dave Brubeck

2010 - The Definitive Dave Brubeck on Fantasy Concord Jazz and Telarc

2010 - Legacy of a Legend

2010 - Original Album Classics (TIME)
2010 - Original Album Classics (5 CD)
2010 - Live in Portland 1959
2010 - Southern Scene/the Riddle
2010 - Perfect Jazz Collection 25 Original Jazz Recordings
2010 - Three Classic Albums
2010 - Jazz at Oberlin
2010 - Take Five
2010 - Gone With the Wind/Jazz Impressions of Eurasia
2009 - Dave Brubeck Quartet Plays Music From West Side Story And Wonderful Town And More
2009 - Jazz Impressions of Japan
2009 - 1975 The Duets Originals (Dig)
2009 - The Essential Dave Brubeck
2009 - Straight A's In Jazz
2009 - Essential Standards
2009 - Time Out -50th Anniversary (2 CD/1 DVD Legacy Edition)
2009 - In Europe Live in Copenhagen March 5 1958
2009 - Very Best of Jazz
2008 - Jazz Goes to College
2008 - Only The Best Of Dave Brubeck
2008 - Classic Album Collection
2008 - 50 Years of Dave Brubeck Live at the Monterey Jazz Festival 1958-2007
2008 - 50 Years of Dave Brubeck Live at Monterey Jazz
2008 - Time In
2008 - Brandenburg Gate Revisited
2008 - Essence of
2008 - Music From West Side Story
2008 - Interchanges '54 Featuring Paul Desmond
2008 - Jazz Impressions of Eurasia
2008 - Love Songs
2008 - Vocal Encounters
2008 - Jazz Goes to College
2008 - Collections
2008 - Jazz Impressions of New York
2008 - Dave Digs Disney
2008 - Jazz Impressions of Japan
2007 - Time in / Time Out
2007 - Jazz Profiles
2007 - Indian Summer
2007 - In Montreaux
2007 - Essential Collection
2007 - My Romance
2006 - Rondo
2006 - Best of Dave Brubeck 1979-2004
2006 - The Complete Octet Sessions
2006 - At Storyville 1954
2006 - Quadromania
2006 - Supreme Jazz
2006 - All the Things We Are
2006 - Last Set at Newport
2006 - Anything Goes Music of Cole Porter
2006 - Angel Eyes
2006 - Dave Brubeck Plays for Lovers
2005 - The Dave Brubeck Collection
2005 - Jazz Biography Series
2005 - Early Concepts
2005 - Time Was
2005 - Classic Jazz Archive
2005 - London Flat London Sharp
2005 - Two Generations of Brubeck
2005 - On Campus
2004 - The Dave Brubeck Quartet With Paul Desmond
2004 - Trios
2004 - Time Out (Spkg)
2004 - Best of
2004 - Paper Moon
2004 - Jazz Moods Cool
2004 - Private Brubeck Remembers
2004 - Private Brubeck Remembers (Multichannel Hybrid SACD)
2004 - Stardust
2004 - On Time
2004 - For All We Know//Take Five
2004 - Dave Brubeck 1920 West Coast Cool Jazz
2004 - For All Time
2003 - The Complete Octet Sessions
2003 - Live Take Five
2003 - Concord on a Summer Night (Hybr)
2003 - Jazz at Oberlin (Hybr)
2003 - Live at Montreux
2003 - Complete Octet Sessions
2003 - The Essential Dave Brubeck
2003 - Jazz at Oberlin (20 Bit Mastering)
2003 - Park Avenue South Live at Starbucks
2003 - Essential Dave Brubeck
2003 - Marian McPartland's Piano Jazz
2003 - First Definitions
2002 - Live in Concert (Past Perfect/Silver Line)
2002 - Take Five
2002 - V J
2002 - Papermoon
2002 - Jazz at the College of the Pacific 2
2002 - Time Out
2002 - Dave Digs Disney
2002 - Live with the LSO The 80th Birthday Concert
2002 - Ballads Music for You
2002 - 1975 The Duets (Spec Packaging)
2002 - Take Five
2001 - Crossing
2001 - Gold Collection
2001 - Jazz Collection
2001 - Jazz Red Hot Cool
2001 - At Carnegie Hall
2001 - Vocal Encounters
2001 - Newport
2001 - In Montreux
2001 - 40th Anniversary Tour of the UK (Hybr)
2001 - In a Dancing Mood
2001 - Double Live From the Usa UK
2001 - Ballads
2001 - Take 5
2000 - Art of Dave Brubeck / Fantasy Years
2000 - Bossa Nova Usa
2000 - One Alone
2000 - La Fiesta De La Posada
2000 - Truth Is Fallen / Two Generations of Brubeck
2000 - Newport 1958
2000 - Dave Brubeck in Moscow
2000 - Brubeck Quartet at Carnegie Hall
2000 - Les Incontournables
2000 - 3 Pak Jazz Greatest Hits
2000 - Time Signatures Career Retrospective
2000 - In His Own Sweet Way Tribute to Dave Brubeck
2000 - Immortal Concerts Take Five
1999 - Someday My Prince Will Come
1999 - Time Out (Ms)
1999 - Take 5 Quartet
1999 - Jazz Ballads - Classic Collection of Jazz (2 CD Set)
1999 - Brubeck Desmond
1999 - Playing Our Songs
1999 - Premium Best
1999 - The Dave Brubeck Quartet in Europe
1999 - Brubeck Time (Limited Edition)
1999 - Brandenburg Gate Revisited Limited Edit
1999 - Brubeck Plays Brubeck (Limited Edition)
1999 - Truth Is Fallen
1999 - Aurex Jazz Festival Live 1982
1998 - Bravo Brubeck (Reis)
1998 - Brubeck Plays Brubeck (Reis)
1998 - Brubeck Rushing (Reis)
1998 - Brubeck Time
1998 - Brandenburg Gate Revisited
1998 - Brubeck Rushing
1998 - Buried Treasures - Recorded Live in Mexico City
1998 - Triple Play
1998 - So What's New
1998 - This Is Jazz 39 Standards
1998 - My Favorite Things
1998 - Angel Eyes
1997 - Jazz Impresions of Eurasia
1997 - In Their Own Sweet Way
1997 - Time Out
1996 - Time Further Out
1996 - Time Further Out
1996 - Christmas
1996 - Quartet
1996 - Brubeck To Hope A Celebration
1996 - This Is Jazz 3
1996 - Essential Jazz
1996 - Live
1995 - Take the Five Train
1995 - Live in Berlin
1995 - Live at the Berlin Philharmonie
1995 - Near Myth
1995 - Quartet at Carnegie Hall
1995 - Time in
1995 - Young Lions Old Tigers
1995 - Fiesta De La Posada
1995 - Tritonis
1995 - These Foolish Things
1995 - Jazz Collection
1995 - Take Five
1995 - Nightshift
1995 - We're All Together Again (MFSL Audiophile Original Master Recording)
1994 - Greatest
1994 - Dave Brubeck - Greatest Hits Vol 2
1994 - These Foolish Things
1994 - Time Out
1994 - The Real Ambassadors
1994 - Dave Digs Disney
1994 - Live 1956-57
1994 - Back Home
1994 - Live at Montreux
1994 - Jazz Sonatas
1994 - Late Night Brubeck (Live at the Blue Note)
1993 - Plays Plays Plays
1993 - Piano Jazz
1993 - Trio Brubeck
1992 - Time Signatures A Career Retrospective
1992 - Once When I Was Very Young
1992 - Paper Moon
1992 - Jazz Impressions of Eurasia
1991 - Quiet As the Moon
1991 - Essence of
1991 - Interchanges '54 Featuring Paul Desmond
1991 - Jazz at Oberlin
1991 - Jazz at the College of the Pacific 1
1991 - Dave Brubeck Octet
1991 - Brubeck a La Mode
1991 - Great Concerts Amsterdam Etc
1991 - Reunion
1991 - The Dave Brubeck Quartet Featuring Paul Desmond In Concert
1990 - Moscow Night
1990 - Last Set at Newport
1990 - We're All Together Again for the First Time
1990 - Duets 1975
1990 - Concord on a Summer Night
1990 - 25th Anniversary Reunion
1990 - All the Things We Are
1990 - For Iola
1990 - Gone With the Wind
1990 - Time Out
1990 - Reflections
1990 - Blue Rondo
1990 - Take Five
1990 - Impressions of NY
1990 - Dave Brubeck Gerry Mulligan With Cincinnati Orch
1990 - Brubeck / Desmond
1990 - 24 Classic Original Recordings
1990 - Stardust
1990 - Dave Brubec/Paul Desmond
1989 - Jazz Goes to College
1989 - Jazz Goes to College
Essential Jazz
Live at the Monterey Jazz Festival Live Unreleased Tracks - A Retrospective
West Coast Jazz
Jazz Goes to Junior College by Brubeck Dave (September 13, 2011)
Countdown Time in Outer Space
Time In
Classic Jazz Jazz Legends
Bravo Brubeck
A Jazz Christmas Hot Jazz for a Cool Night
Deck the Halls Christmas Jazz

CDs Dave Brubeck helped create...

Currently Available CDs (2)

1996 - Frederica von Stade Sings Brubeck Across Your Dreams

Genres: Jazz, Special Interest, Pop, Classical

Genre: Jazz

Currently Unavailable CDs (49)

2022 - Dave Brubeck Trio Live From Vienna 1967

Genre: Jazz
2014 - John Salmon Plays Brubeck

Genres: New Age, Classical
2011 - 13 Ways of Looking at the Goldberg

Genre: Classical
2009 - QSF Plays Brubeck

2009 - Mike Nock / Marty Ehrlich The Waiting Game

2009 - Blue Rondo

2007 - In Your Own Sweet Way - Previously Unissued 1958 Studio Transcriptions

2007 - Solo

2007 - Brubeck Plays Brubeck

2006 - Dave Brubeck Nocturnes

2006 - The Many Voices of One Nation Under God
2006 - From Bach to Batik
2006 - Cello Celli
2005 - Blue Rondo Lturk
2005 - Dave Brubeck Songs
2004 - Jazz After Hours With Dave Brubeck
2004 - Spirituals and Rags Jazz Harpsichord
2004 - Dave Brubeck Chromatic Fantasy Sonata Rising Sun The Salmon Strikes
2003 - Introducing World of American Jewish Music (Milken Archive of American Jewish Music)
2003 - Classical Brubeck
2003 - Stolen Gems
2003 - LIVE Through The Years
2003 - DAVE BRUBECK Columbia Jazz (1954-1966)
2001 - Brubeck Points on Jazz
2001 - Gold Collection
2000 - American Grab Bag
2000 - Art of the Groove
2000 - Blue Rondo Works for 2 Guitars
2000 - Bach to Brubeck
2000 - While Angels Sing
1999 - Universal Melodies
1999 - At the Desert's Edge
1999 - Time in
1999 - The Frivolous Harpsichord Works by William Albright / Naji Hakim / Dan Locklair / Penka Kouneva / Dave Brubeck / Erkki Salmenhaara / Franois Couperin / Jyrki Linjama / John Cage / Mauricio Kagel / Roberto Sierra / Franzpeter Goebels / Tonino Tesei / Dom
1999 - Wanted-The Bassoon Brothers
1998 - Backbeat / Backbeat Percussion Quartet (Doyen)
1997 - Into The Light Symphonic Expressions Of The Spirit
1997 - Smokin Jazz
1997 - Free Flight The Jazz Classical Union
1996 - Fascinating Rhythm
1995 - Unsquare Dance
1995 - International Jazz All-Stars - Vol 2
1995 - John Salmon Plays Dave Brubeck Piano Compositions
1993 - The Band of the Grenadier Guards / On Stage
1992 - Music for the Hammered Dulcimer
1992 - Brodsky Unlimited - A Compilation of the Brodsky Quartet's Favorite Encores - Elgar Chanson de matin / Copland Hoe Down / Brubeck Strange Meadow Lark
1957 a Time to Remember 20 Original Hit Songs of 1957
Artist's Choice - Yo-Yo Ma - Music That Matters to Him
Jazz Essentials Featuring Take Five