Product Description(2014/Jazzhaus) 9 tracks.
The British blues-rock guitarist Danny Bryant embodies the traditional straight for the UK workers attribute the industrious Malochers. Despite extensive live presence to each new album new material regularly get served fans of earthy and sweaty blues rock.
Not even one and a half years after the release of its predecessor, Hurricane his new album Temperature Rising appears. Danny Bryant so as to label the chord producing assembly line Blue workers according to the book, however, would it be not at all fair, because at least since the 2007 Output Just As I Am, the man of stature of master in terms of fulminant and soulful attack strings in the pocket. Accordingly, each new Silberling exposes other facets of the sympathetic fingerboard sorcerer.
Temperature Rising is the logical continuation of the already mentioned work 2013er Hurricane, but was a little turned in detail at the screws. This will mainly affect the guitar sound that has significantly gained in intensity and this time the predicate deserves extra kräftigdeftig. "I wanted to place more emphasis on the live character in the recordings," Danny explains this development. "Many Solos therefore arose at the first and second attempt. This has helped to transfer the energy of our live shows to the studio atmosphere. "
Medium 1Best Of MeTake Me HigherNothing At AllTogether Trough LifeRazor SharpTemperature RisingTimeMysteryGuntown