| DJ Irene Dissonance Genres: Dance & Electronic, Pop
Track Listings (20) - Disc #1- Wreck My Dissonance Bitch (Intro)
- Hold Me [Gigi Barocco Remix]
- Nasty & Gaspar Go To White Castle [Jon-E Industry Remix]
- Hit The Club
- Hustlin And Scratchin [Gigi Barocco Remix]
- Look Out [Lazy Rich Remix]
- Ghetto Blaster [Krafty Kuts Remix]
- Yes Weekend [Lazy Rich Remix]
- What It's About [Breakdown Mix] [Mix]
- Raw Power [Calvertron Rip Up Mix] [Mix]
- Shake It [WoNK Mix] [Mix]
- If You Want It [Young Nutz Remix]
- They Call Me Sexy
- Move Your Body [Kid Massive Remix] - DJ Irene, BK Dude
- Unforgettable Summer [2010 Vision Main Mix] [Mix]
- Jack That Body
- Mad Max [Super Flu's Home Sweet Home Remix]
- Una Y Nada
- D Minor
- Where's My Bitch