| Johann II [Junior] Strauss, Johann II and Josef Strauss, Johann I [Senior] Strauss The Complete New Year Concerts: Wiener Philharmoniker 1952-1954 Genres: Dance & Electronic, Special Interest, Classical
Track Listings (16) - Disc #1- Mein Lebenslauf ist Lieb'und Lust, waltz, Op. 263
- Die Libelle, polka mazurka for orchestra, Op. 204
- Jockey Polka, for orchestra, Op. 278
- Geschichten aus dem Wienerwald (Tales from the Vienna Woods), waltz for orchestra, Op. 325 (RV 325)
- Die Fledermaus (The Bat), overture to the operetta (RV 503-1)
- Im Krapfenwald'l, polka fran?aise for orchestra, Op. 336 (RV 336)
- ?ljen a Magyar (Hail to Hungary), polka schnell for orchestra, Op. 332 (RV 332)
- Pizzicato Polka for orchestra, Op. 234
- ?gyptischer (Egyptian March), march for orchestra, Op. 335 (RV 335)
- Vergn?gungszug (Excursion Train), polka schnell for orchestra, Op. 281 (RV 281)
- Dorfschwalben Aus Osterreich (Austrian Village Swallows), waltz for orchestra, Op. 164
- Moulinet Polka, for orchestra, Op. 57
- Ohne Sorgen (Without Sorrows), polka schnell, for orchestra, Op. 271
- Stadt und Land (Town and Country), polka-mazurka for orchestra, Op. 322 (RV 322)
- Auf der Jagd (Off to the Hunt), schnellpolka for orchestra, Op. 373 (RV 373)
- Fr?hlingsstimmen (Voices of Spring), waltz for orchestra (with voice ad lib), Op. 410 (RV 410)
Track Listings (12) - Disc #2- Morgenbl?tter (Morning Papers), waltz for orchestra, Op. 279 (RV 279)
- Feuerfest, polka for orchestra, Op. 269
- Cs?rd?s, for orchestra, Op. 441 (RV 441-4)
- Perpetuum Mobile (Perpetual Motion), Ein musikalischer Scherz, for orchestra, Op. 257 (RV 257)
- Der Zigeunerbaron (The Gypsy Baron), overture to the operetta
- An der sch?nen, blauen Donau (On the Beautiful, Blue Danube), waltz for orchestra (with chorus ad lib), Op. 314 (RV 314)
- Auf Ferienreisen ('Off on Holiday'), for orchestra, Op. 133
- Bei uns z'Haus (With Us at Home), waltz for orchestra (with chorus ad lib), Op. 361 (RV 361)
- Annen-Polka, for orchestra, Op. 117 (RV 117)
- Sph?ren-Kl?nge (Music of the Spheres), walzer, Op. 235
- K?nstler-Leben (Artists' Life), waltz for orchestra, Op. 316 (RV 316)
- Radetzky-Marsch, for orchestra, Op. 228