| Gibbons, Wulstan, Clerkes of Oxenford Church Music Genre: Classical
Track Listings (14) - Disc #1- Praise the Lord, O my soul, anthem for voices (verse incomplete)
- Lord, grant grace, we humbly beseech thee, anthem for voices
- O clap your hands, anthem for 8 voices
- The Hymnes and Songs of the Church (17 tunes by Gibbons): Nos. 1, 20, 31, 5, 22
- O Lord, in thy wrath rebuke me not, anthem for 6 voices
- I am the resurrection, anthem for 5 voices (incomplete)
- The Hymnes and Songs of the Church (17 tunes by Gibbons): Nos. 9, 13, 67, 47, 18, 24, 3, 4
- See, the word is incarnate, anthem for voices
- Hosanna to the son of David, anthem for 6 voices
- Sing unto the Lord, O ye saints, anthem for voices
- Blessed are all they that fear the Lord, anthem for voices
- O Lord, how do my woes increase, anthem for 4 voices
- First preces and psalm (145) for Evensong on Whitsunday, for voices
- O Lord, I lift my heart to thee, anthem for 5 voices