| Chuck Jonkey Rio Amazonas: La Madre y Sus Ninos Genres: International Music, New Age, Pop
Track Listings (11) - Disc #1- Gran Anaconda [The Great Anaconda]
- Encuentro de Animales [The Gathering]
- Baile a La Luna [Dance to the Moon]
- Un Nuevo Dia [A New Day]
- Desfile en Carnaval [Carnaval March]
- Ninos del Rio, Pt. 1 [Children of the River]
- Ninos del Rio, Pt. 2 [Children of the River]
- Ella Que Da y Quita La Vida [The Giver and Taker of Life]
- Danza de Delfines [Ballet of the Dolphins]
- La Ceremonia [The Ceremony]
- El Principio y el Fin [The Beginning and the End]