Christoph Ernst Friedrich Weyse

CDs Christoph Ernst Friedrich Weyse performed on...

Currently Unavailable CDs (1)

2002 - CEF Weyse Symphonies 1 7 - Concerto Copenhagen / Lars Ulrik Mortensen

Genre: Classical

CDs Christoph Ernst Friedrich Weyse helped create...

Currently Unavailable CDs (21)

2019 - Christine Schornsheim Plays Schulz Weyse

Genre: Classical
2008 - Christmas with Michala Petri

Genres: Special Interest, New Age, Pop, Classical
2008 - The Complete Aksel Schitz Recordings 1933-1946 (Box Set)

Genres: Special Interest, Classical
2007 - Serenades and Romances

2006 - Music Inspired by Hans Christian Andersen's Fairytales

2005 - Singphonic Christmas Christmas Songs from Europe

2001 - Joy to the World

2001 - Purrfectly Classical

2000 - Norwegian Colours

2000 - Kirsten Flagstad Hymns

2000 - Folk Songs Spirituals and Hymns
2000 - Danish Christmas
1999 - Weyse / Ingemann Morgen og Aftensange
1998 - CEF Weyse Christmas Cantata Easter Cantata
1996 - Romantic Danish Overtures
1996 - In Denmark I Was Born
1996 - Songs of the Danish Summer
1996 - Weyse The Late Piano Works
1995 - Sorrig Og Glde 22 Danske Salmer
1995 - The Best of Danish Golden Age Music
Children's Choir of the Royal Danish Academy of Music