Currently Available CDs (8) | Currently Unavailable CDs (65)2006 - Easter Favorites 2006 - Cedarmont Platinum Collection 2005 - Cedarmont Platinum Collection (Long) 2005 - Cedarmont Worship for Kids 1 2005 - Cedarmont Worship for Kids 2 2005 - Baby Gift Set 2005 - Biblicos Infantiles 2005 - Cantos Americanos 2004 - Sunday School Songs 2004 - Hymnos 2004 - Toddler Bible Songs 2004 - Action Bible Songs 2004 - Mis Primeras Cancion 2004 - Bible Singalong 2004 - Villancicos Navidenos 2004 - Silly Singalong 2004 - Bible Songs 2004 - Hymns 2004 - Favorites Gospel Song 2004 - Cantemos Y Juguemos 2004 - School Days 2004 - Favorite Toddler Songs 2004 - Cantos Bblicos Con Accin 2004 - Cantos Pre-Escolares 2004 - Gospel Bible Songs 2004 - Cantos De Albanza 2004 - Cantos Escolares 2004 - Canciones De Cuna 2004 - Cantos De Escuela Do 2004 - Cantos De Navidad 2004 - Gospel Praise Songs 2004 - Gospel Action Songs 2004 - Preschool Songs 2004 - Gospel Action Songs (Blister) 2004 - Silly Songs 2004 - Songs of Praise 2003 - Favorite Christmas Songs 2002 - Songs of America 2002 - Toddler Action Songs 2001 - Cantos Biblicos 2000 - Christmas Story 2000 - Gospel Christmas Songs (Dig) 2000 - Gospel Christmas Songs 2000 - Gospel Bible Songs 1999 - Christmas Carols 1998 - Easter Miracle 1997 - Sunday School Songs (1995) 1996 - Toddler Tunes 1996 - Classics Action Bible Songs 1996 - Classics Bible Songs 1996 - Classics Silly Songs 1996 - Classics Toddlers Tunes (Blister) 1995 - Classics Preschool Songs 1995 - Classics Schooldays Songs Classics Sunday School Songs by Cedarmont Kids (1996)