Cecile Chaminade

CDs Cecile Chaminade performed on...

Currently Unavailable CDs (2)

2002 - Mots D'Amour Songs By Cecile Chaminade

Genres: Dance & Electronic, Special Interest, Pop, Classical
1998 - Dorian Sampler

Genres: Dance & Electronic, Special Interest, Classical

CDs Cecile Chaminade helped create...

Currently Unavailable CDs (77)

2019 - Anna Shelest Donna Voce

Genre: Classical
2019 - David Huang Bengt Forsberg Double Trouble - Works for Piano Four Hands

Genre: Classical
2017 - The Romantic Piano Concerto Vol70

Genre: Classical
2014 - The Flatterer - Piano Music of Ccile Chaminade

2008 - In My Element

2007 - The Feminine Flute

2007 - Concertos for Flute Orchestra

2007 - The Nightingale Sings for Soprano Flute and Piano

2007 - Classic Solos for Wind

2006 - The Great Female Pianists Vol 5

2006 - Three French Pianists
2006 - Singers to Remember Ninon Vallin
2006 - The Essential James Galway
2006 - Piano Music of Ccile Chaminade Vol 3
2006 - Kaleidoscope Piano Encores
2006 - Nights of Gladness In the Palm Courts of the Thirties
2006 - Fantaisie
2006 - Piano Music by Ccile Chaminade Vol 2
2005 - Piano Music by Ccile Chaminade Vol 1
2005 - Fantaisie Franaise
2005 - Fleurs Jetes Songs By French Women Composers
2004 - Panorama pour flute et orchestre
2004 - Clara Butt
2004 - Musical Favorites of All Times
2004 - Love Moods The Most Romantic Classics
2003 - Legendary Flutist Vol 1
2003 - Si Mes Vers Avaient des Ailes
2003 - Bird Songs at Eventide
2003 - Libetta in Lecce The Art of the Virtuoso
2003 - The First Opera Recordings 1895-1902 A Survey
2002 - Cascade of Stars
2002 - Nos Souvenirs
2001 - The Piano G Ts Volume 3
2001 - The Piano G Ts Volume 3
2001 - Les Joies du Piano (The Joy of Piano)
2001 - Encore
2001 - Caswell Collection Vol 3 Fannie Bloomfield Zeisler
2001 - The Historic Recordings
2000 - Erica Morini Vol 2 Live Studio Recordings 1921-1940
2000 - Painting the Mood
2000 - Songs For Voice and Harp
2000 - Chamber Music By French Female Composers
2000 - French and Viennese Masterpieces
1999 - Stephen Hough's New Piano Album
1999 - The Marchesi School
1999 - Piano Favorites
1998 - Concierto Pastoral
1998 - Five O'clock Foxtrot
1998 - Music For My Friends
1997 - Women's Voices Five Centuries of Song
1996 - Home Sweet Home
1996 - Cosmopolitan Rainy Afternoons
1996 - The Harold Wayne Collection Vol 26
1996 - The Harold Wayne Collection Vol 25 The Marchesi School
1995 - Bouquet of Familiar Classics
1995 - Women's Perspective Art Songs
1995 - Bird Songs at Eventide
1995 - Whistling in the Dark
1995 - Classical Romantic Piano
1995 - Cecile Chaminade Music for Piano (Gasparo)
1994 - Lucien Fugere
1994 - French Piano Concertos
1994 - Early Victor Recordings 1
1994 - Fritz Kreisler - The Complete Acoustic HMV Recordings - including Bruch Violin Concerto No 1 in G minor / Mozart Violin Concerto No 4 in D (2 CD Set)
1994 - Ravel Chaminade Saint-Sans Piano Trios
1994 - Romantic Piano Favourites Vol 4
1994 - Der Ferne Spiegel Music by Women Composers for Flute Piano
1994 - The Flute Album
1994 - Manuela Plays French Flute Concertos
1993 - Four Seasons Autumn
1993 - Women at an Exposition Music Composed by Women and Performed at the 1893 World's Fair in Chicago
1992 - Chamber Music By Women Composers
1992 - Chaminade Piano Works
1992 - La Flte Enchante French Pieces for Flute Orchestra
1988 - Romantic Piano A Love Affair
Music for Violin and Guitar
27 Chansons Paillardes