| Carter the Unstoppable Sex Machine Starry Eyed & Bollock Naked: B-Sides Genres: Alternative Rock, Pop, Rock
Track Listings (18) - Disc #1- Is This the Only Way to Get Through to You?
- Granny Farming in the UK - Carter the Unstoppable Sex Machine, Carter the Unstoppa
- R.S.P.C.E. - Carter the Unstoppable Sex Machine, Carter the Unstoppa
- Twin Tub with Guitar - Carter the Unstoppable Sex Machine, Carter the Unstoppa
- Alternative Alf Garnett - Carter the Unstoppable Sex Machine, Carter the Unstoppa
- Re Educating Rita - Carter the Unstoppable Sex Machine, Carter the Unstoppa
- 2001: A Clockwork Orange
- The 90 S Revival
- A Nation of Shoplifters
- Watching the Big Apple Turn Over
- Turn on, Tune in and Switch Off
- When Thesauruses Ruled the Earth
- Bring on the Girls!
- Always the Bridesmaid Never the Bride
- Her Song
- Commercial Fucking Suicide
- Stuff the Jubilee! [1977]
- Glam Rock Cops