Cambridge Singers

CDs Cambridge Singers performed on...

Currently Available CDs (4)

1993 - Three Musical Fables The Reluctant Dragon Brother Heinrich's Christmas The Wind in the Willows

Genres: Jazz, Special Interest, New Age, Classical
1993 - Requiem

Genre: Classical
1993 - Christmas With the Cambridge Singers

Genres: Special Interest, Pop, Classical
1990 - Brother Sun Sister Moon

Currently Unavailable CDs (17)

2016 - Rutter Visions Requiem

Genre: Classical
2015 - Rutter The Gift of Life Seven Sacred Pieces

Genre: Opera & Classical Vocal
2014 - John Rutter and the Cambridge Singers A Double Celebration

Genres: Opera & Classical Vocal, Classical
2013 - Rutter Christmas Star A Christmas Festival

2010 - Song in Season

2009 - John Rutter The Sacred Flame Europea

2005 - Sea Change

2003 - Ave Verum Corpus Motets Anthems

2003 - Sacred Music Gloria

2003 - Cambridge Singers a Capella

2003 - Hail Queen of Heaven
2002 - John Rutter Collection
2001 - Christmas Companion
2000 - Sing Ye Heavens - Hymns for All Time
1995 - Masters of English Church Music
1993 - Poulenc Gloria etc
1993 - Flora Gave Me Fairest Flowers English Madrigals

CDs Cambridge Singers helped create...

Currently Available CDs (1)

1993 - Portrait of the Cambridge Singers

Genre: Classical

Currently Unavailable CDs (18)

2012 - This Is the Day Music on Royal Occasions

Genres: Opera & Classical Vocal, Classical
2008 - Messiah The Complete Work

Genres: Special Interest, Classical, Christian & Gospel
2006 - Cambridge Singers - Lighten our Darkness (2 CD)

Genres: Pop, Classical
2004 - Be Thou My Vision

2003 - There Is Sweet Music English Choral Songs 1890 - 1950

2002 - The John Rutter Christmas Album

2001 - Feel the Spirit Songs and Spirituals

2000 - Gloria The Sacred Music of John Rutter

2000 - Images of Christ

2000 - A Banquet of Voices Music for Multiple Choirs

2000 - Requiem Magnificat/Rutter Cambridge Singers
1994 - The Song of Songs Motecta ex Cantico Canticorum
1993 - Christmas Day in the Morning
1993 - Cambridge Singers - A Cappella (Collegium)
1993 - The Cambridge Singers Collection
1993 - Christmas Night Carols of the Nativity
1991 - Hail Gladdening Light Music of the English Church
1990 - Portrait of the Cambridge Singers