Search - Brand New :: Your Favorite Weapon

Your Favorite Weapon
Brand New
Your Favorite Weapon
Genres: Alternative Rock, Pop, Rock
  •  Track Listings (12) - Disc #1

Your Favorite Weapon CD


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CD Details

All Artists: Brand New
Title: Your Favorite Weapon
Members Wishing: 3
Total Copies: 0
Label: Triple Crown
Release Date: 10/9/2001
Genres: Alternative Rock, Pop, Rock
Style: Hardcore & Punk
Number of Discs: 1
SwapaCD Credits: 1
UPC: 646920303120


Product Description
Your Favorite Weapon CD

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CD Reviews

Great Cd
Dave | 02/27/2006
(5 out of 5 stars)

"This cd is great. Brand New is an awesome band. Your Favorite Weapon is probably one of my top 5 cd's in my collection.

Great Songs and Great variety.

The Shower Scene - 8/10 A good opener, but not one of my favorites.

Jude Law and a Semester Abroad - 10/10 This song got me into Brand New. It's one of the best on the album.

Sudden Death in Carolina - 9/10 Also a great song. i love the opeing riff.

Mix Tape - 9/10 This one starts off slow but gets better and the ending is great.

Failure By Design - 8.5/10 This song is pretty good, but gets old.

Last Chance To Lose Your Keys - 8.5/10 See above song

Logan To Government Center - 9/10 I really like this song. It starts out kind of mellow which is different but great. I love the lyrics too.

The No Seatbelt Song - 7/10 This song is an acoustic song and in my opinion very forgettable. I usually skip this one.

Seventy Times 7 - 10/10 Great Song! Awesome solo in the beginning, great lyrics, awesome music. A toss-up with track 2 for the best on the album

Secondary - 9/10 another great song

Magazines - 9.5/10 I love this one too. Not quite the caliber of Seventy Times Seven but still awesome.

Soco Armaretto Line - 9/10 This is another acoustic but much better than The No Seatbelt Song. One of my favorite acoustic songs of any band."
I bought deja entendu first...
Jennifer Cheung | los angeles, ca | 03/13/2006
(5 out of 5 stars)

"and it took me awhile to like that album. but when i finally did, i loved it, so i decided to explore brand new's old album, "your favorite weapon".

the only song that was remotely close to their sophmore album was "soco amaretto lime". everything else sounds very immature compared to what i heard in deja. but that was what i LOVED about it! i'm a big fan of taking back sunday, matchbook romance (first album), green day, blink 182 and stuff like that. "your favorite weapon" basically combined the best stuff of all of them. it's upbeat, angry lyrics that sport a young attitude, yet are skillfully crafted so the angst and fun of it comes out. the hooks are totally catchy. but the best thing i liked about this album was the way it made me feel. i'm 22 and i'm listening to this the first time and it made me feel young and reckless again (in a good way !)"
The debut album from Brand New is solid at best....
Jeff M. | Rochester, NY USA | 12/04/2007
(3 out of 5 stars)

"First of all, I am a huge Brand New fan. They've shown some of the best growth from album to album than almost any other band currently around. Your Favorite Weapon was their first CD and it's a pretty solid effort, but nothing compared to what they have done since.

1. The Shower Scene: 4/5-Great intro for the album, good lyrics, hard-hitting beat. It does feel like it drags past its short 2:24 running time though.

2. Jude Law and a Semester Abroad: 4/5-The first Brand New song I ever heard a long, long time ago. Great choice for a first single, catchy chorus but it grows tiresome after a while.

3. Sudden Death in Carolina: 3/5-Good lyrics almost ruined by boring poppy beat. It's a good song the first few times, but like many tracks on this CD it gets old quick.

4. Mix Tape: 3/5-Pretty much the opposite as Sudden Death. It starts off slow and slowly goes uphill and gets faster and leads to a sick guitar part at the end. The downside though are the dumb, repetitive lyrics. Jesse can write far better than this.

5. Failure by Design: 5/5-One of my favorite tracks on the album. It's undeniably catchy and in my opinion would have been a great single.

6. Last Chance to Lose Your Keys: 2/5-Probably the most forgettable track on the album. Sounds like something that a band would record right when they're starting off, not album material really. It is slightly catchy though.

7. Logan to Government Center: 3/5-Another pretty forgettable song, though doesn't sound as repetitive and cliche as some other songs on the album. I also do like The Cure "Close to Me" lyrics they stuck in there.

8. The No Seatbelt Song: 5/5-Probably the most haunting and beautiful song on the album. This is what most of the album should have been. This track really displays Brand New's writing ability and remains a favorite of mine.

9. Seventy Times 7: 3/5-One of the most overrated songs on the album in my opinion. A lot of people seem to love it but I just can't get in to it really. It sounds like something any band could do, but has good lyrics.

10. Secondary: 2/5-It's ironic that I keep saying this but this track is repetitive, cliche, and not very solid. Like most songs on the album though it has pretty decent lyrics hidden within the annoyingly poppy beat.

11. Magazines: 3/5-Interesting song to say the least. It quickly falls in to the tiresome pop territory half of the songs on this album do.

12. Soco Amaretto Lime: 5/5-Luckily the album closes on a high note. Another fantastic acoustic song that shows Brand News extraordinary potential that they later discovered and then some.

Your Favorite Weapon is not the best debut album I've ever heard, not even close. It has many great tracks on it, but is weighed down by all the repetitive, poppy tunes. It's incredible to think that this is the same band who later released the masterpieces that are Deja Entendu and The Devil and God are Raging Inside Me."